[ Field Marshal Haig. ] Original duplicated typed 'Notification', warning the population of the occupied territories against 'hostile actions' against the British Army.
1p., folio. On wove paper with watermark of 'MONCKTON | BASTED MILL | KENT'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Pinholes to top corners, the item presumably having been displayed on a noticeboard. One word has been added in a contemporary hand (details given below). An historic piece of Great War ephemera, of which no other copy has been traced, with no copies at the Imperial War Museum, on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC. Fifty-three lines of text, beginning: 'I call attention that every advancement which imperils the life of any person belonging to the British Army or disturbs the operations of the British troops is looked upon as hostile action. It is everybody's duty, especially so, of all state and city officials to assist in suppressing any kind of breaches against my orders. To all inhabitants of this place their personal safety is warranted if they conduct themselves in an humble and peaceful manner. Meanwhile it is energetically pointed out that the not submitting of these orders by the population of this place will be punished according to international law. The readings to follow my orders will be the best guarantee for the safety of the inhabitants.' Two numbered points follow regarding 'hostile actions against members of the British Army' and the 'damaging or putting out of use of any kind of buildings, streets, railroads, channels, bridges, telegraph [the world 'telephone' added here in a contemporary hand], or Water lines materials, a.s.o.' This is followed by four numbered classes of individuals who 'Most severely will also be punished', beginning with 'Anyone who protects or hides or aids in any other way a German or other person hostile to the British Government or anyone who has ignored my order.' The text concludes: 'These as well as all other orders published by myself or representatives must be strictly obeyed.'