[Henrietta Stannard, author and journalist with pseudonyms ‘John Strange Winter’ and ‘Violet Whyte’.] Typed Letter Signed, with long Autograph postscript, regarding how she has used the donations towards the ‘comfort and independence’ of an old lady.
Henrietta Stannard [Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard; née Palmer] (1856-1911) author and pioneering woman journalist who employed the pseudonyms ‘John Strange Winter’ and ‘Violet Whyte’
Publication details:
17 December 1901; 25 Charleville Road, West Kensington, W. [London.]
SKU: 24318
See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, on lightly-browned paper. Folded four times. The recipient is not identified. Signed ‘Henrietta E. V. Stannard’ and addressed to ‘Dear Lady’. She thanks her for ‘the kind help you have provided for my old lady’. The ‘very generouos responses’ she has met with have exceeded her expectations, and she hopes that her ‘dear old friend’s future comfort and independence are now assured, for the rest of her life’. In the long paragraph that follows she describes the steps she has taken, beginning with arranging for an annuity of ten shillings a week. Five-line autograph postscript begins ‘I put your money towards a lovely warm cloak which I chose for my old dear today.’