[Robert C. Winthrop, American Whig politician, representative for Massachusetts.] Autograph Letter Signed to the English economist Nassau Senior, recommending to his attention the lawyer Charles Pelham Curtis, with reference to Daniel Webster.
Written following the premature end of his political career in 1852. See Senior’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Addressed to ‘N. W. Senior Esqe.’ and signed ‘Robt. C. Winthrop.’ In good condition, lightly aged, and folded for postage. Begins: ‘My Dear Sir, / You may, perhaps, remember that I owed the pleasure of your acquaintance in 1847, to a letter of introduction from our late distinguished Statesman, Mr. Webster. [i.e. the celebrated Daniel Webster (1782-1852)] - Were Mr. W. still among the living, there is no one whom he would sooner commend to your most favorable regard than the gentleman whom I now pray leave to present to you.’ He continues: ‘Charles P. Curtis Esqe. is one of the most distinguished members of our Bar, - a lawyer of long standing & large practice, who breaks away from his profession at engagements for a few months, to pay a first visit to the land, from which all our Laws, & many of our liberties, come. / No one is better acquainted than Mr. Curtis with our legal & judicial system, or with our Institutions generally; - & I may add that no one is better entitled, from his social as well as professional position, to the highest consideration at home or abroad.’ He ends ‘With cordial remembrances of your kindness to me in London.’ See Image of Pp.2/3.