Autograph Letter Signed [to Sir Cuthbert Sharp].
Scottish aristocrat (1789-1858). Sharp (1781-1849) was an antiquary of some note. Three pages, 12mo. In poor condition: folded twice and with considerable staining along the folds. Attached, by verso of second leaf of bifoliate, to larger piece of paper. Reads 'Dalmahoy Decr 25 1838 | Sir | I beg to apologise for not having sooner replied to your letter of the 9th Inst | Having been for a considerable time absent from [^home] your letter was overlooked by me & I now hasten to repair my neglect | I shall be happy to submit the letter you allude to to your inspection as well as any others that I am possessed of which you may think interesting should you be <?> in this neighbourhood. or if a <?> of <?> be all that you require it might perhaps be taken at Edinburgh by some responsible person & transmitted to you from there | I remain Sir | your most Obedt Servt | Morton'. Docketed on reverse of second leaf 'Earl of Morton | 1838'.