[ Edme Sainson, Ecuyer Conseiller Secrétaire du Roi (Louis XV). ] Signed Autograph Document on vellum, giving certified transcriptions of two documents relating to payments by 'Mre. Charles Dorel [...] Banquier Expeditionnaire en Court de Rome'.

Edme Sainson (c.1726-1753), Ecuyer Conseiller Secrétaire du Roi (Louis XV) [ Charles Dorel, Banquier Expéditionnaire en Court de Rome ]
Publication details: 
The two transcribed documents are dated 2 May 1736 and 10 May 1736. The transcription is undated.

On one side of a 22 x 33 cm piece of vellum. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with some pin-holes to margin. Stamp in black ink at head of the 'REV. CAS DU ROY [...] GEN. DE PARIS'. Signed at end: 'Collationné aux originaux par moi Ecer. Coner. Secretaire du Roy maison Couronne de france et de Ses finances/. | Sainson'. Each transcript is eight lines long, the first having been signed by 'Orry' and the second by 'Carreler' (both signatures also transcriptions). The recorded payments were made by Dorel in connection with his office as 'Coner.

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