
Autograph Note Signed to publisher [?] of "Aikens Chem Dict." [= J & A. Arch & William Phillips].

Alexander Tilloch.
Publication details: 
Star Office, 26 Oct [1814 - appendix pubd then].

Scottish journalist, editor of The Star, Biblical writer and inventor (of the stereotype) (1759-1825). One page 8vo, trimmed, text clear and complete. "Dear Sir/ Have the kindness to lend me the Appendix to Aikens Chem. Dicy. for about a week - I wish to give some Notice of it in the Phil. Mag. . . ."

Typed Letter Signed (1943) and three Typed Notes Signed to J.G. Wilson, Chairman of Messrs J & E. Bumpus

Humphrey Milford.
Publication details: 
OUP, 4 & 11 Oct. 1929, 26 May 1932, and 16 March 1943.

Publisher, Oxford University Press. One page each, 8vo (2) and 4to (2), one grubby, fold marks, minor defects, but texts clear and complete. Two are goodhumoured, brief, and concerning social trivia. The one sent in 1932 goes: "This is to introduce Sir Wallis Budge. I have told him you are the best bookseller in London, and would be able to get him all he wanted." (one ms. correction and one ms. addition). The letter dated 1943 discusses the works of Mark Rutherford: "I remember in very old days you were a devoted admirer of my late brother-in-law, Mark Rutherofrd.

Autograph Letters Signed (six) to J.G. Wilson, Chairman of J & E. Bumpus.

James Milne.
Publication details: 
London, 1929-1933.

Author of "The Road to Kashmir" and others. Total seven pages, 8vo (4) and 4to (1), good condition. He discusses "The Road to Kashmir" (sales, etc.) and "A Window on Fleet Street". He discusses at length a circular relating to the latter from John Murray which he sends (not present) in response to Murray's request for him to send it to "good book readers and good book buyers". (Wilson is "the goodest [bookseller] in London".) Frank Mumby describes Wilson as "one of the outstanding booksellers of the day" (1956 ed., p.235). Six items,

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

J.H. Parker.
Publication details: 
Oxford, 19 Nov. 1836.

Oxford Bookseller and Publisher (1806-1884). Two pages, 8vo, chipped and sl. marked, but text mainly clear. "Sir/ At the requestof Mr. Hill and Mr. Renand I write you a few lines respecting the books you wished to enquire about -on the Articles I send - but it is the most scarce of 's pieces- The Harmony of Confessions is a very [underlined] book.

Autograph Letter Signed and two autograph notes signed to J.G. Wilson, Chairman of J & E. Bumpus's.

Thomas Moult.
Publication details: 
London, 20 Aug. and 14 Nov. 1930, and 15 Nov. 1932.

Miscellaneous Writer (Poetry Society). Total 4pp., 8vo. He is enlisting Wilson's aid in selling his new book (favourably reviewed by Evelyn Waugh) and requesting a list of distinguished visitors to Bumpus's (bookshop) (Walter) Scott {Centenary] Exhibition to establish who was interested in Scott at that time. Frank Mumby describes Wilson as "one of the outstanding booksellers of the day" (1956 ed., p.235). Four items,

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