
Invoice, account of Colonel Bosville with "T. Egerton AND Autograph receipt signed to P.I. Thelluson (Peter Isaac).

Thomas Egerton.
Publication details: 
March-May 1791 AND 14 May 1796.

Egerton published first Austen novel. The invoice, 8 x 6.5", lists histories, a basic law book, and military books. Colonel [William] Bosville was a celebrated bon vivant, friend of Horne Tooke, Cobbett, etc (see DNB). The recipient of teh receipt, Thelluson, was a merchant (1737-97)(DNB). One page, c.7.5 x 3", embossed receipt, damage at right edge with loss of three letters only: "Received 14 May 1796 of P.I. Thellus[on] Esq. Fifty five Pounds six Shillings for Books bill delivered/ £55.6-0 Thos Egerton". No other Egerton signature found in BL MSS, HMC or NUCMC.

Catalogue of Books for sale at the annexed prices', numbers 49 (Jan. 1873) to 72 (Dec. 1874); with 'The American Bibliopolist', vols. 5 and 6 (New York, Jan. 1873 to Dec. 1874); and incomplete 'Catalogue of Standard English Books' (undated).

J. Sabin & Sons [Joseph Sabin (1821-81), Anglo-American bookseller]; Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati
Publication details: 
J. Sabin & Sons, Publishers, 84 Nassau Street, New York. 14 York Street, Covent Garden, London. 1873.

All items octavo. All in good condition, on aged paper, bound together in heavily-worn contemporary half-calf. Ownership inscription of the art dealer Faris C. Pitt on front free endpaper. The various issues of the 'Catalogue of Books' vary in length from eight pages to twenty-eight.

[Manuscript]"Trustee in Bankruptcy of Grant Richards to Mr A. Moring / Assignment of Goodwill and publishing rights of 'Worlds Classics &c'", Signed by H.A. Moncrieff, Accountant, "Trustee of the estate of . . . Grant Richards in Bankruptcy"

[BOOK TRADE; PUBLISHING HISTORY] [Grant Richards, Publisher]
Publication details: 

Two leaves, vellum, folio, one page blank, folded, good condition. Details he bankruptcy of Grant Richards are given, mentioning the addresses of his premises, and continues: "The said Alexander Moring [publisher, de la More Press] has recently agreed with the said . . . Moncrieff for the purchase of the stock in trade copyrights publishing rights and goodwill of the business of the said Grant Richards . . . [17 April 1905] for the sum of Nine Thousand pounds and upon payment of Three Thousand five hundred pounds . . .

Autograph Letter Signed to the bookseller [George] Offor.

Robert Mushet
Publication details: 
24 Augt 1819 | Mint'.

Mushet (died 1828) was an officer of the Mint, and author of 'An Inquiry into the Effects Produced on the National Currency, and Rates of Exchange, by the Bank Restriction Bill' (1810). The recipient (1787-1864) edited Bunyan. One page, octavo. Good, on slightly grubby discoloured paper with one spike hole. Two short printed accounts of Musket laid down at foot of page. Reads 'Dear Sir | I shall be obliged to you to send me this afternoon or early tomorrow morning a Copy of Ede's Book of Coins'. Signed 'R Musket' and addressed, on revese of second leaf of bifoliate, to 'Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

George Herbert Whitaker [WHITAKER'S ALMANACK]
Publication details: 
22 January 1919; on letterhead 'Office of WHITAKER'S ALMANACK, | 12, WARWICK LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW, | LONDON, E.C.'

Bookseller and publisher (1862-1933). One page, 12mo. Very good, docketed with the Society's stamp. 'In reply to your circular letter, I beg to apply for admission as a Fellow of your Society and herewith forward my application together with my cheque value 2 guineas, which in the event of not being elected, please return to | Yours faithfully | George H. Whitaker'.

Manuscript Indenture (counterpart of Lease of Brown's premises at no. 342 Strand), on parchment, signed by Brown.

Alexander Brown, nineteenth-century bookseller in the Strand, London [Smith and Guscotte, Solicitors, 19 Essex Street, Strand]
Publication details: 
26 July 1865, London.

Fifty-two long lines of text, on one side of a single piece of parchment, roughly inches by. '[...] Between John Guscotte of No. 19 Essex Street Strand [...] and Alexander Brown of No. 342 Strand in the County of Middlesex aforesaid Book Seller'. A ten-year lease for a consideration of sixty pounds and yearly rent of one hundred and four pounds. Includes conditions relating to the upkeep of the premises, whitewashing of the walls, display of advertisements, etc.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent [bookseller]

Frederick Charles Husenbeth
Publication details: 
Cossey Septr. 26 1854'.

Roman Catholic divine and author (1796-1872). One page, 12mo. Frail item in poor condition. On discoloured paper with loss to one edge (affecting five words of text) caused by damp staining. Small spike hole in centre. Clearly written to a bookseller. Reads 'Dear Sir | Be so good as to send e from your List No. XXXIII - No. 418 Natural Hist of England irect that and all parcels as below, but letters merely Cossey near Norwich.' Signed 'F. C. Husenbeth'. Postscript reads 'Address on parcels | Very Rev. Dr. Husenbeth | Care of Mr. Spatchett | St. John's | Madder Market | Norwich'.

Autograph Note Signed to J.G. Wilson, Managing Director of Bumpus's, publishers and booksellers

C.E. Lawrence.
Publication details: 
The Quarterly Review, 50 Albemarle Street, London, W1, 1 November 1932.

Novelist and dramatist. One page, 8vo, good condition. "I was away yesterday - unwell, & today your Bombshell frightens me. Do spare me if possible [all from "Do" underlined] (& certainly if J.M. v. [John Murray V] is there, for he's the one to speak . ..); but Ican't refuse your request if you really want me. There is nothing new to say on the subject of Scott & Q.R."

Autograph letter signed to an unnamed correspondent [Jeffery re. Lowndes].

Edmund Boehm.
Publication details: 
<?> Sidmouth, Devon, 20 Oct. 1810.

One page, 4to, grubby, repaired (after being torn in two), text clear and complete. "Sir/ Having received your advertisemt. of the Antiquarian Repertory published by you in 4 Vol. at 12 Gs. a few copies of which remain on large Paper at 20 gs. I should like to purchase one or the other if you would send them to my House in St. James Square or keep them untill my return to town which will not be untill after Christmas perhaps not untill February---". Lowndes says of thenew edition (4 vols., 1807-1809 "Published and edited by Jeffery the bookseller . . .).

Autograph letter signed to Robert Triphook, 23 Old Bond Street.

Publication details: 
No place or date (wm 1819).

Three pages plus address page, 8vo, some damage and small holes marginally affecting text (including loss of part of name of writer). "Your son addressed me in very unbecoming language this evening respectiie my Debt to you on which subject I can declare most solemnly my entire beleif [sic] up to the present moment that Mr Ranken my Solicitor had paid you in February last[.] I am particularly sorry to find it is not the case & I have not seen him since that time. He will obtain some money for me the end of next month and I hope will give you the amount of your Debt the first.

Autograph Note Signed to Edward Webber (editor?).

Henry Napier.
Publication details: 
London, 16 April 1847.

Naval officer and historian (1789-1853). One page, 8vo, fold marks and discoloration, text clear and complete. "Sir/ In reply to your note of yesterday I beg to say that my portrait would be misplaced amongst the "Portraits and Memoires [sic] of Eminent Naval & Military Personages" [title underlined], besides which I have not the facilities which you require. With acknowledgements for the intended honour".

Autograph note, third person, to Bohte, bookseller..

T.H. Horne (Thomas Hartwell Horne)
Publication details: 
No date (time of Leipzig catalogue mentioned).

Bibliographer, Biblical scholar, polemic (1780-1862). One page, c.9 x 5", small portion torn without apparent loss of text which is clear and apparently complete. "Mr. Horne will be obliged to Mr. Bohte to procure for him the undermentioned articles, from the "Leipzig catalogue". viz./ H[K?]argii, M.A.T. Synopsis Historia Religionis et Ecclesia Christiana. Edit. 2. 8vo- (catalogue pr. 8/-/ Munter (Fr.) Symbolae ad interpretationem Novi Testamenti, ex Marmoribus et Numis veteribus, maxime graecis. 4to (Catalogue p.259)".

Autograph letters (2) t[Blandford] to a bookseller [prob. Triphook].

Marquis of Blandford
Publication details: 
One headed "Syon Hill", no date on either.

(12 Feb.) three pages, 8vo, small tear on fold, discoloration at edges, spike-hole text clear and readable.

Autograph letter signed to R. Triphook.

Rutland (John Henry Manners, 5th Duke of Rutland).
Publication details: 
Belvoir Castle, 20 Feb. 1825.

(1778-1857). Two pages, 8vo, slight tears on fold marks, sl. discoloration, mainly good and clear.

Autograph note signed to "Mr. Caulfield At Mr. Jeffrey's Bookseller Pall Mall".

Unidentified. (Taylor?).
Publication details: 
Friday P.M. (no date, wm. 1802; dated "March 1st. 1805" at the top in another hand in pencil.

One page, 4to, some discoloration and damage, but text clear and complete. "We fully expected you the night before last but your note of yesterday morning left not a doubt in our minds but that you would have been punctual to your appointment, it is highly necessary that we should see you, therefore pray return some answer that may dissipate doubt and suspense, is very busy staining the wals of the room and has therefore desir'd me to communicate his ideas --" I cannot identify the writer of the letter of "Ireland who may be the witer John Ireland (d.1808, DNB) of "Hogarth Illustrated".

Autograph Letter Signed to "Mr Eff [?] Wilson" (Effingham Wilson - see DNB).

George Daniel
Publication details: 
No place, 5 Feb. 1820.

Miscellaneous writer and book collector (1789-1864).

Autograph letter signed to "Mr T[riphook]"

S.W. Singer
Publication details: 
Box Hill, 25 Oct. 1820.

Samuel Weller Singer. Litterateur and librarian (1783-1858). Two pages, 8vo, grubby, spike-hole but text clear and complete. "You will oblige me by sending me all the numbers of the Indicator since No.1. Vol 2. by Mr Skillington who will return on Friday or Saturday. If you can sometimes send them under a Frank [underlined] by post you will very much oblige/ Yours mo truly/ S.W. Singer/ I should be glad to have the magazines sent by Coach [underlined] from the Golden Cross [two words underlined] regularly on the Ist of the Month.

Autograph letter signed to R. Triphook, St James Street London.

Henry Whittington.
Publication details: 
Theberton, Yoxford postmark 26 Aug. 1811[?]

One page, 4to, chipped, creased, small holefold marks, other damage but text minimally affected and readable as follows: "I have recieved[sic] Puttenham and Spencer safe and must request you to send me immediately "The secret history of the court of James Ist, 2 vols demi-octavo [underlined]," and two copies of Gilchrist's letter to Gifford" which I see advertised as just published. The former, and one copy of the latter are to be put <?> down to the account of Mr Mitford of Benhall [John Mitford, misc. writer, see DNB]. I hope to recieve[sic] them soon, direct as before.

Autograph note, third person, to an unnamed correspondent. (publishers Harding, Lepard & Co., prob.).

James Henry Arnold.
Publication details: 
Lincolns Inn Fields, 7 March 1821

One page, 8vo, good condition, text clear and complete. "Dr. Arnold desires his name may be set down as Subscriber to the history of Shrewsbury by Rev. H Owen & Rev. JB Blakeney . . ./ Large paper". Not in Bent. Not in Besterman. Published 1825, 2 vols. (i.e. much later).

Autograph letter, incomplete, to Josiah Taylor, bookseller (Maxted, Brown).

Publication details: 

Two pages, 4to, corner torn off with seal (must have been delivered by hand), text clear. Do errors and changes indicate a draft? - but sealed? "Sr. / I am but just now returned from a long tour in the North of England Scotland &c which has prevented me seeing & replying to your very kind communication of the late Mr Rivetts Letters [two words underlined] from Athens &c.

Receipt, text by publishers (Grant & Griffith), signed by Jerrold.

W. Blanchard Jerrold.
Publication details: 
London, 2 Dec. 1851.

One page, 7.5 x 4.5, fold marks, minor staining, text clear and complete. "London Decr 2nd. 1851/ Received of Messrs Grant & Griffith the sum of five pounds <?> for the second Edition of 'Wonders of Home' and completing the sum of twenty pounds to be paid me as per agreement for the Copyright of that Book./ Received,/ W. Blanchard Jerrold// £5.0.0".

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent (bookseller).

Alaric A. Watts.
Publication details: 
Ardwick Green near Manchester, 23 Aug. (no year, 1825-1826?).

Poet and journalist (1797-1864). Two pages, 4to, edges discoloured, fold marks, good condition. "Sir// I borrowed your shop Catalogue a few days ago and accidentally brought it away with me for which I beg you will accept my apologies. I send it by the first opportunity and I will thank you to send for me to the care of my Publishers Hurst Robinson & Co. Cheapside. I will remit the amount of the invoice whatever it [page 2] may be by an parcel[.] The young man to whom I the day I called at your shop will recollect the terms upon which he promised to supply me. . .

Two Autograph Notes Signed to A. "Mr. [Andrew] Wilson, Oriental Press, Wild Court, Wild Street, Lincolns Inn Field.

L.D. Campbell. (Lawrence Dundas Campbell)
Publication details: 
A. Stratford Place, Sunday, no date [1804?] and B. St. Alban's Hotel, St. Alban's Street, Wednesday, no date [1808].

A. One page, 8vo, bifoliate, spike-hole, fold marks, minor damage, corner nearly detached, text clear and complete. "Dear Sir./ I beg you will do me the favour to let me know immediately on receipt of this, the exact quantity of tonnage it will be necessary to apply for in order to send 500 [underlined] Copies of the Register to Calcutta, 300do. to Madras, and 100 [underlined] to Bombay.

Autograph letter signed to Triphook.

W.S. Roscoe
Publication details: 
Liverpool, 21 Sept. 1816.

Poet, son of William Roscoe (1782-1843). One page, 4to, spike-hole, edges stained, fold marks, text clear. "I beg to enclose a Bill for £20.8.0 - for £12 due for & £8.8. - from Mr Roscoe / In the letter I believe there was some exchange of Books but I apprehend the account is correct tho' I have mislaid the particulars - / May I beg you to make my compliments to Mr & to believe be . . .". Some figures added in another hand ("5.8/3.3").

Autograph letter signed to Mns Bohte Bookseller, York Street, Covent Garden, London.

L.M. Guillaume (Laurent-Matthieu Guillaume).
Publication details: 
Paris, 19[?] June 1822.

French Bookseller prob. One page and, verso, address and bookseller's note, 4to, In French, small portion lost on opening seal, edges discoloured, all grubby, text moreorless clear. Une infinite de causes parmi lesquelles je trouve le besoin des livres anglais que vous devez me fournir en echange de ceux que vous avez choisi <?> empeche de vous expedier les derniers. Neanmoins ni mon silence ni [?] qui <?> ecoute depuis le 4 Septembre 1820 ne <???> envers vous, et j'ai toujours ces livres a votre des [?].

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent (poss. Cadell).

Coventry (Earl of).
Publication details: 
Piccadilly, 13 June 179[?].

One page, 4to, some discoloration, but text readable. "Sir,/ Please to deliver to the Bearer, Mr Clarke, the Evidence on Mr Hasting's Trial from page 1204 to page 1244 so much being wanting to compleat my Numbers." Note (for dating purposes and identification of correspondent = publisher): prob. Minutes of the evidence taken at the trial of Warren Hastings ... upon an impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors, etc. [London,] 1788[-94]. fol.

Autograph Letter Signed to John Russell Smith, publisher.

Morris Charles Jones.
Publication details: 
18 Dec. [1858?].

Officer of Archaeologia Cambrensis. Two pages, 8vo, Carnarvon, 18 Dec. <[18]58?>, text clear and complete, if illegible at times. "I am desirous of procuring the following Books [prob. separate sheet - lost]: - and of negociating with you for them: on the footing that I should have credit for them, you charging me your usual commission, or interest, upon this account over and above what you would charge for cash. / could procure them for me at your leisure <??> you might find pretty satisfactory opportunities: - [page 2] but the sooner I could get them I should say the better.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent (Longmans, publisher).

F. Head.
Publication details: 
Ashfield, 5 Oct. 1826.

Father of Catherine Head, the author of work. Two pages, 4to, fold marks, good condition. "Sir,/ I have reeived safely the copies of the 2d. Vol of the Messiah, and am very much pleased with their appearance, the printing and paper are both excellent, & the work seems in every way carefully executed-/ I have now only to request that you will have it well advertised [phrase underlined] which I should suppose the more necessary at present as London is so empty- I should wish it to be inserted 3 or 4 times in the John Bull, the St.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.C. Loudon c/o Longman & Co., Paternoster Row, London".,

Samuel Taylor.
Publication details: 
Whittington Stoke Ferry, 15 Nov. 1833.

Four pages, 4to, fold marks, discoloration, some damage with minor loss of text.

Autograph Note Signed to "Rev. Dr. Williams, Rotherham, Yorkshire" (Yorkshire editor).

J. Cicest.
Publication details: 
Brighton, 2 Aug. 1802.

One page, 4to, fold marks, good condition. "Rd. Sir,/ In the high esteem I hold Dr. Doddridge's writings, I very readily become a subscriber to another edition of them; but being already in possession of his family expositor in 8[v]o (& indeed, of several of his other pieces) I can only put my name to the 5 Volumes of his . Wishing you success in your undertaking." Doddridge's Works pubd. Leeds, 1802-1805, 10 vols., by Williams and Edward Parsons

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