
Autograph letter signed to Mns Bohte Bookseller, York Street, Covent Garden, London.

L.M. Guillaume (Laurent-Matthieu Guillaume).
Publication details: 
Paris, 19[?] June 1822.

French Bookseller prob. One page and, verso, address and bookseller's note, 4to, In French, small portion lost on opening seal, edges discoloured, all grubby, text moreorless clear. Une infinite de causes parmi lesquelles je trouve le besoin des livres anglais que vous devez me fournir en echange de ceux que vous avez choisi <?> empeche de vous expedier les derniers. Neanmoins ni mon silence ni [?] qui <?> ecoute depuis le 4 Septembre 1820 ne <???> envers vous, et j'ai toujours ces livres a votre des [?].

Autograph note, third person, to Bohte, bookseller..

T.H. Horne (Thomas Hartwell Horne)
Publication details: 
No date (time of Leipzig catalogue mentioned).

Bibliographer, Biblical scholar, polemic (1780-1862). One page, c.9 x 5", small portion torn without apparent loss of text which is clear and apparently complete. "Mr. Horne will be obliged to Mr. Bohte to procure for him the undermentioned articles, from the "Leipzig catalogue". viz./ H[K?]argii, M.A.T. Synopsis Historia Religionis et Ecclesia Christiana. Edit. 2. 8vo- (catalogue pr. 8/-/ Munter (Fr.) Symbolae ad interpretationem Novi Testamenti, ex Marmoribus et Numis veteribus, maxime graecis. 4to (Catalogue p.259)".

Autograph letter signed to Bohte ("Compliments to Mrs Bohte")

D.G. Wait (Daniel Guilford Wait).
Publication details: 
Redland House, W. Bristol, 10 April 1824.

Hebraist and Biblical scholar (1789-1850). One page, edges discoloured, chipped, text complete and clear. "I was mentioning to a friend here Ebert's Bibliographisches Lexicon, who wishes much to see it: Mrs Wait [prob. mother, he was unmarried re. DNB] will leave town on Sunday, when she will arrive on Saty ["for" excised] on her way to this place. Would you entrust me with a copy to shew him, & direct it to me on Saty morng. to the care of Mrs Wait, at Mrs Bowdens 33 Gt Coram St. Brunswick Square? & if he does not take the copy, I will bribng it back.

2 Notes signed, third person, to "Mr Bohte", bookseller

Dr Samuel Parr, divine, schoolmaster and scholar
Publication details: 
15 April 1824 and to "Mr Jones", 23 April [1824].

12mo. In a quavering hand (he died the following year), he is returning two volumes of Terence to Bohte with a payment and inviting a visit from Jones. Two items,

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