[Leonard Russell, literary editor of the Sunday Times.] Typed Letter Signed to the bookseller J. G. Wilson of J. & E. Bumpus, regarding a book he lent him, and an piece he is writing.

Leonard Russell (1906-1974), literary editor of the Sunday Times and founder of the Saturday Review, husband of film critic Dilys Powell [J. G. Wilson [John Gideon Wilson] (1876-1963), bookseller]
Publication details: 
11 July 1933. On letterhead of the Sunday Times, 135 Fleet Street, London EC4.

See the two men's entries in the Oxford DNB. Russell's papers are in the Harry Ransom Center at Texas. 1p, 4to. Aged and worn, with creasing and closed tear along left edge. Folded one. Carrying a neat and controlled signature, ‘Leonard Russell.’ He has ‘just come across’ the books Wilson lent him, ‘buried under a mass of books and papers’, and apologises. He ends by asking how Wilson’s ‘Notes from a Bookshop’ are going. ‘Copy as soon as you like.’ Wilson has ticked across the two paragraphs to signify action taken.

[The Glasgow book trade: John B. Wylie of Jackson, Wylie & Co. booksellers to the University, on the death of an employee.] Typed Letter Signed ('John B. Wylie') to John G. Wilson of J. & E. Bumpus, discussing 'Dalglish' and his demise.

John B. Wylie, director of Jackson, Wylie & Co, booksellers to the University of Glasgow [John G. Wilson [John Gideon Wilson (1876-1963)] of the London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus; Dalglish]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Jackson, Wylie & Co. ('Booksellers, Librarians, Stationers & Bookbinders'), 73 West George Street, Glasgow. 10 April 1931.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. He acknowledges Wilson's 'kind letter regarding Dalglish', who 'suffered a good deal during the latter weeks of his life, but I am glad to say that even then he still retained that brightness of disposition of which you speak'.

[ Charles Young, head of the Kensington booksellers Lamley & Co., to John G. Wilson of Messrs Bumpus. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C.') to Wilson

Charles Young, head of the Kensington booksellers Lamley & Co. [ [John Gideon Wilson (1876-1963)] of the London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus; John Murray Ltd ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Lamley & Co., 1, 3 & 5 Exhibition Road, S.W.3. [ London ] 19 July 1931.

R. J. L. Kingsford, in his history of the Publishers Association, describes Young as 'a bookseller of outstanding character and ability, a friend of Arnold Bennett, and the discoverer of the literary distinction of George Sturt'. 1p., 12mo. Neatly and closely written. Headed 'private', and addressed to 'Dear John'. Young is apparently following a dinner (of the Publishers Association) at which George Bernard Shaw was present, and the subject of the letter would appear to be an exhibition Wilson's firm has mounted of books by the London publisher John Murray.

[ Everard Meynell and his 'Serendipity Shop': catalogue by J. & E. Bumpus Ltd. ] Catalogue of the Books of the Late Everard Meynell including the most interesting items from his "Serendipity Shop".

[ Everard Meynell (1885-1956), author, and his 'Serendipity Shop' ] J. & E. Bumpus Ltd., London booksellers [ J. G. Wilson (John Gideon Wilson); Coventry Patmore ]
Publication details: 
Now offered for sale at the instruction of the Executors by Messrs J. & E. Bumpus Ltd. 350 Oxford Street, London, W.1. [ Circa 1956. ]

120 pages (unpaginated), 12mo. Stitched without covers. In fair condition: worn (particularly the first two leaves) and aged. A marvellous collection, described in a carefully printed and compiled catalogue of 901 lots. A two-page 'Prefatory Note' has a long quotation from one of Meynell's catalogues, beginning: 'My books must at my death be turned to account.

[ Herbert Ainslie ('Harry') Roberts, Cambridge mathematician. ] Typed Letter Signed ('H. A. Roberts') to bookseller J. G. Wilson, reminiscing on his purchase forty years before of Ruskin item at the opening of London bookshop Messrs J. and E. Bumpus.

H. A. Roberts [ Herbert Ainslie Roberts ] (1864-1932), Secretary to the University of Cambridge Appointments Board [ John Gideon Wilson (1876-1963) of London bookshop Messrs J. & E. Bumpus ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the University of Cambridge Appointments Board, 11 March 1931.

1p., 4to. In fair condtion, lightly aged and creased. With a few autograph corrections by Roberts. Having been unsuccessful in placing an individual with Wilson, Roberts writes: 'Of course forty years ago the advent of a bookshop like yours was a tremendous event, and we all flocked to it as something new and wonderful, as indeed it was.

[J. G. Wilson, proprietor of London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus Ltd.] Autograph notebook containing draft of talk to trainee booksellers on 'Modern Fine & First Editions', proposals for 'Anecdotal History of Bookselling' and for trade 'social club'.

J. G. Wilson [John Gideon Wilson] (1876-1963), 'the most famous English bookseller of his time' and proprietor of the prestigious London firm of J. & E. Bumpus Ltd., 477 Oxford Street
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [J. & E. Bumpus Ltd., 477 Oxford Street.]

It is Sir Basil Blackwell, in his DNB entry on Wilson, who described him as 'the most famous English [sic] bookseller of his time'. The freshness and enthusiasm conveyed by this small volume supports Blackwell's view that Wilson viewed 'bookselling not so much as a matter of retail trade as a service in which bookseller and customer met and shared the experience of contact with the precious manifestations of the spirit of man', as well as casting light on the methods and practices which made Wilson so successful.

[The Coronation, 1953.] Plans, sections and elevations, with letters and memoranda, by the Scottish architect Joseph Wilson, ARIBA, for the 'Proposed Coronation Stand' and 'Accommodation' at London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus Ltd., 477 Oxford Street.

[The Coronation, 1953.] [Joseph Wilson (b.c.1888), Glasgow architect; J. & E. Bumpus Ltd., 477 Oxford Street, prestigious London bookshop owned by J. G. Wilson [John Gideon Wilson] (1876-1963)]
Publication details: 
Joseph Wilson, 200 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, C2. [J. & E. Bumpus Ltd., 477 Oxford Street, London.] Eleven items, all dating from 1952.

For more about Joseph Wilson, ARIBA, FRIAS, see his entry in the Dictionary of Scottish Architects. From the familiar tone of his letters (Items Seven, Ten and Eleven below), there is every indication that he was closely related to his client, J. G. Wilson, proprietor of the prestigious firm of J. & E. Bumpus Ltd, and a man described by Sir Basil Blackwell (in his DNB entry on Wilson) as 'the most famous English [sic] bookseller of his time'. Eleven items, in good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[Malcolm Elwin, biographer and critic.] Two Typed Letters Signed, the first to the bookseller J. G. Wilson, regarding a meeting before the publication of his 'Thackeray book', and the second to Wilson's firm, Messrs J. & E. Bumpus, London.

Malcolm Elwin (1903-1973), biographer and critic [J. G. Wilson [John Gideon Wilson] (1876-1963), bookseller, proprietor of Messrs J. & E. Bumpus, 350 Oxford Street, London]
Publication details: 
Both on his North Stoke, Oxford, letterhead. 11 and 13 September 1932.

Both 1p., 4to, and both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE (11 September): He is writing regarding Wilson's 'kind suggestion that I should call in and see you one day shortly before the publication of my THACKERAY book'. Having been told by 'Mr. Hartley' that Bumpus is on holiday, he will call on 14 September. TWO (13 September 1932): Presumably with his tongue in his cheek, he writes: 'Dear Sirs, | Thank you for your letter of yesterday, reference II,456JGW, and for saving me the risk of a fruitless visit. I will call to see Mr.

[Roger Ingpen of the London publishers Ingpen & Grant.] Typed Letter Signed ('Roger Ingpen') to John G. Wilson of the London booksellers Messrs Bumpus, regarding E. H. W. Meyerstein's 'Life of Chatterton'.

Roger Ingpen [Roger Edric Ingpen] (1867-1936) of publishers Ingpen & Grant [John G. Wilson (1876-1963) of booksellers J. & E. Bumpus Ltd; E. H. W. Meyerstein (1889-1952), scholar and poet]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Ingpen & Grant, Publishers, 37 Museum Street, London WC1. 14 October 1930.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper. He announces the publication of 'a book of outstanding literary importance, namely Meyerstein's "Life of Chatterton". Meyerstein is undoubtedly the greatest living authority on this subject, and his book, the result of nine years original research, contains much unpublished material. I believe it will be recognised as the standard work on Chatterton for many years to come.' He states that he has 'put a great deal of money and time into this book', and asks Wilson to help him 'make it a success'.

[Printed book.] Seraphine. By E. H. W. Meyerstein | Author of "Terence Duke".

E. H. W. Meyerstein [Edward Harry William Meyerstein] (1889-1952), scholar and poet
Publication details: 
London: Richards [The Richards Press Limited], 10 Paternoster Square, EC4. 1936.

362 + [1]pp., 8vo. Advertisement on final page for Meyerstein's 'Terence Duke'. A fair copy, on lightly-aged paper, in worn original orange cloth binding, and lacking the dustwrapper.

[Presentation copy by E. H. W. Meyerstein.] The Boy. A Modern Poem. [With pencil note by Meyerstein: 'One of thirteen copies printed by mistake on large paper, and uncut.']

E. H. W. Meyerstein [Edward Harry William Meyerstein] (1889-1952), scholar and poet
Publication details: 
London: Ingpen & Grant, 12 Bury Street, London WC1. 1928.

62pp., 8vo. In good condition, on aged paper, in dulled black cloth binding with chipped printed label. Presentation inscription by Meyerstein on front free endpaper: 'J. A Petheridge | with the writer's kind regards. | Aug. 13. 1928'. Pencil note (probably also by Meyerstein) on front pastedown: 'One of thirteen copies printed by mistake on large paper, and uncut.'

Six Typed Letters Signed from officials of the Cambridge University Press to J. G. Wilson of London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus: four from Walter Lewis, Printer, and one apiece from S. C. Roberts, Secretary, and assistant manager R. J. L. Kingsford.

[Cambridge University Press] Reginald John Lethbridge Kingsford (1900-1978); Sir Sydney Castle Roberts (1887-1966); Walter Lewis (1878-1960) [John Gideon Wilson of J. & E. Bumpus Ltd, Oxford Street]
Publication details: 
The six letters, all on Cambridge University Press letterheads (three different types), Cambridge (5) and London. Dating from between 24 September 1931 and 5 July 1932.

The six items in good condition, lightly-aged and with slight rust spotting. Four of the letters concern an exhibition of the CUP's work at the Bumpus store, 350 Oxford Street. Lewis's four letters are all signed 'W. Lewis' and on his own CUP letterhead. One: 24 September 1931. 2pp., 8vo. In reply to Wilson's congratulations over the exhibition he informs him that he will be sending his son ('subject of course to your consent'), 'who has been in the printing [sic] now for two years and should know something of types.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Alec Maclehose') from Alexander MacLehose; and one Autograph Letter Signed ('James MacLehose'); all three to John Gideon Wilson.

Alexander MacLehose & Co.; James MacLehose; publishers [John Gideon Wilson (1876-1963), Scottish bookseller, proprietor of the London firm of Bumpus]
Publication details: 
Alexander MacLehose: 10 August 1931 and 23 June 1932; both on letterhead of Alexander MacLehose & Co., 58 Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.1. James MacLehose: 20 November 1931; on letterhead of Saint Johns House, 30 Smith Square, Westminster, S.W.1.

Alexander MacLehose: Letter One: 4to, 1 p. Good, on slightly aged and lightly creased paper. He is sending a copy of his catalogue, 'which has reached me from the printers to-day'. He has 'sent a copy also to the firm'. Would like Wilson's 'advice as to whether "Memories of the Months" should have a paper jacket. The binders have sent me a nice cellophane cover, which shows the rather handsome binding. Would there be any objection, from a selling point of view, to a cellophane cover in place of the ordinary paper jacket?' Letter Two: 12mo, 2 pp.

Typed Letter Signed "Archie Black" to J.G. Wilson, John & Edward Bumpus Ltd.

Archie [presumably Archibald] Black, publisher (of A. & C. Black).
Publication details: 
4,5, & 6 Soho Square, London, 18 Nov. 1932 (A & C Black headed notepaper).

One page, minor defects, text clear and complete. He would like to see some drawings which have beeen mentioned, and will call in. "Our contributions to the Scott Exhibition were returned this morning in excellent conditio, and I would like to congratulate you and Miss Hughes on a most excellent show. | By the way, Miss Hughes has never let me have back the Scott's butler's MS., which I lent her some time ago. I wish you would mention this to her." He concludes by asking Wilson to address letters to "Archie Black" or "A.A.G. Black" to avoid confusion with his father.

Autograph Note Signed to 'Mr. Wilson' [the bookseller John Gideon Wilson of Bumpus?].

Edmond Xavier Kapp
Publication details: 
1 April 1930; on letterhead '2 Steele's Studios | Haverstock Hill N W. 3'.

English artist (1890-1978). His wife, Yvonne Kapp, published four novels under the pseudonym Yvonne Cloud. One page, octavo. Very good, though a little creased and with dogeared corners. Reads 'Dear Mr. Wilson, | It is good of you to have taken so much trouble - I am greatly obliged to you. The lists have gone off to Berlin to-day. | All my thanks - & good wishes for a restful holiday'. Signed 'Edmond X. Kapp'.

Typed Letter Signed (1943) and three Typed Notes Signed to J.G. Wilson, Chairman of Messrs J & E. Bumpus

Humphrey Milford.
Publication details: 
OUP, 4 & 11 Oct. 1929, 26 May 1932, and 16 March 1943.

Publisher, Oxford University Press. One page each, 8vo (2) and 4to (2), one grubby, fold marks, minor defects, but texts clear and complete. Two are goodhumoured, brief, and concerning social trivia. The one sent in 1932 goes: "This is to introduce Sir Wallis Budge. I have told him you are the best bookseller in London, and would be able to get him all he wanted." (one ms. correction and one ms. addition). The letter dated 1943 discusses the works of Mark Rutherford: "I remember in very old days you were a devoted admirer of my late brother-in-law, Mark Rutherofrd.

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