[The Glasgow book trade: John B. Wylie of Jackson, Wylie & Co. booksellers to the University, on the death of an employee.] Typed Letter Signed ('John B. Wylie') to John G. Wilson of J. & E. Bumpus, discussing 'Dalglish' and his demise.
1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. He acknowledges Wilson's 'kind letter regarding Dalglish', who 'suffered a good deal during the latter weeks of his life, but I am glad to say that even then he still retained that brightness of disposition of which you speak'. Dalglish will be 'greatly missed by many book buyers in the West of Scotland and we, personally, will find his place very hard to fill.' Wylie is 'taking a liberty' in sending Wilson's letter to Dalglish's widow: 'I am sure she will be glad to know that her husband left such a pleasant mark on the younger of his contemporaries'. He ends in the hope that 'time continues to deal kindly' with Wilson. For information on Wilson, who was born in Glasgow and served his apprenticeship there with the firm of John Smith & Son, see his entry in the Oxford DNB.