Two Autograph Letters Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and others.

W. Shackell.
Publication details: 

(John Bull) W. Shackell (2; 1844), prob. printer (BBTI) and publisher and/or joint-proprietor of John Bull. He encourages contributions and anticipates "the Proprietor" making a proposition "for your further and permanent connexion with [John Bull]." See immediately above and below for more material from the J.T.J. Hewlett archive. Originally from a larger archive, the residue of which is described in #3157 (Hewlett's papers), this and other items appear in my ABE inventory in book id#s 3124-3156.

Seven Autograph Letters Signed to J.T.J. Hewlett, author of "Peter Priggins" and others.

William Mudford.
Publication details: 

(John Bull) William Mudford (DNB) (7; 1844), author and journalist. Five letters are signed "The Editor of the John Bull" or similar but two are signed by Mudford who suggests that his name is no longer a secret to Hewlett because of Barham. (Although the article in DNB on Mudford says that he succeeded Hook as Editor in 1841, no other authoritative source gives this information, from CBEL to the Waterloo Directory.) He tells Hewlett the Proprietors' requirements and his policy, presenting Theodore Hook, former Editor, as the model writer for the periodical.

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