[ Le Sel; Mesquer, commune of Loire-Atlantique department of France. ] Anonymous MS. document on 'oeillets de marais' and salt preparation, comprising fifteen 'Questions faites par monsieur le Sous prefet au maire de mesquer', each with answer.

Mesquer, commune of the Loire-Atlantique department of France [ salt production; production de sel; 'oeillet de marais' ]
Publication details: 
[ Mesquer, Loire-Atlantique, France. ] Undated [ circa 1835 ].

1p., landscape folio (30.5 x 39.5 cm). On watermarked laid paper. Divided into two columns: 'Questions faites par monsieur le Sous prefet au maire de mesquer' and 'Solution en Response a Monsieur Le Sous prefet Par Le Maire de Mesquer'. The first answer provides a definition of 'oeillet de marais', and is followed by facts regarding salt producers, their salaries, and other related matter. The reply to a question about the price of salt gives prices for the years 1833, 1834 and 1835.

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