[Pat Lawlor, New Zealand journalist and book collector.] Two Typed Letters Signed, or signed carbon copies, to Malcolm Muggeridge, praising his biography of Hugh Kingsmill and discussing his own association with him.

Pat Lawlor [Patrick Anthony Lawlor] (1893-1979), New Zealand Roman Catholic journalist, author and book collector [Malcolm Muggeridge; Hugh Kingsmill]
Publication details: 
12 September 1955 and 21 January 1956; both addressed from Box 965, Wellington, New Zealand. On the reverse of a letterhead of New Zealand Literary Fund Advisory Committee, Wellington.

See his entry in the Encylopedia of New Zealand, and those of Muggeridge and Kingsmill in the Oxford DNB. Each item 1p, foolscap 8vo. Both addressed to ‘Dear Mr Muggeridge’. ONE (12 September 1955): In good condition, on air mail paper, lightly aged and creased. Signed in pencil with calligraphic squiggle. Begins: ‘I want to write something about Hugh Kingsmill. About 20 years ago we exchanged a few letters during a flare up in the Wilde-Douglas business at a time when Robert Sherard was busy fanning the flames and G. B. S.

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