[Royal Marines; Admiralty] Regulations and Instructions relating to the Royal Marine Forces, when on shore. [Containing section on 'Infirmaries', and appendix on 'Vaccine Inoculation'.] With manuscript additions.

Admiralty Regulations, Royal Marines, 1819 [Barrack Office, Chatham Division; Royal Navy; naval and military; vaccination; inoculation]
Publication details: 
[Undated.] In manuscript on front board: 'Admiralty Regulations 1819. Barrack Office Chatham Division'.
SKU: 8292

[Copy, from the 'Barrack Office' at Chatham, printed ] 4to: 120 + [19] pp. The last 19 unpaginated pages comprise the appendix, divided into 18 parts. Text clear and complete. On aged and foxed paper. Original boards rebacked in leather, with title on spine and new free endpapers. Title-leaf carries no date or printing details. In manuscript scored through on reverse: 'Adjutants Office by order | [signed?] T. G. Gascoigne | Adjutant', with crude drawings. The first section (pp.3-39) is headed 'BY the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, &c. | REGULATIONS and INSTRUCTIONS relating to the ROYAL MARINE FORCES, when on Shore. (1819.)' It is divided into forty-two articles, the last of which is followed by the apparent signature of 'Chas Menzies | Colonel Commanding' (for Sir Charles Menzies, 1783-1866, see the Australian DNB). The second section (pp.40-44) is headed 'RESPECTING THE DUTIES OF THE DEPUTY PAYMASTERS.' This is followed (pp.45-60) by eleven plans of muster rolls, accounts and pay bills. The next section (pp.61-71) is headed 'REGULATIONS FOR THE ROYAL MARINE BARRACKS.' Followed (pp.72-83) by ten plans of reports, estimates and returns. On pp.83-120 are 'REGULATIONS FOR THE ROYAL MARINE INFIRMARIES.' This is divided into 75 numbered parts, and includes a section, beginning with part XLII, on 'SERVANTS.' (Matron, Infirmary Serjeant, Cook, Nurses). The section ends, in type: 'Given under Our Hands the 20th of September, 1819. | (Signed.) G. MOORE. | G. COCKBURN. | G. CLERK. | By Command of their Lordships, | (Signed.) J. W. CROKER.' The volume ends with an unpaginated 'APPENDIX' (pp.[121-139]), divided into eighteen sections, including a page of 'Orders for the behaviour of patients in the infirmaries' and two pages on 'Vaccine Inoculation', all in small type. Three manuscript leaves tipped in at the end of the volume. The first (4to, 2 pp) is headed 'Explanations of errors and omissions in New Schedule of Coals and Candles, also of additions granted'. The second (8vo, 1 p) is a draft communication by the 'Barrack Master' and 'Colonel Commandant', dated 'Royal Marine Barracks, Chatham 20th. January 1863', requesting that 'the Field Officer of the Week and Quarter Master may meet the Barrack Master at his Office, tomorrow Morning after Parade, to determine damage done by the Troops'. The last manuscript leaf (folio, 1 p) contains, in two columns, twenty-three 'marginal notes in Book'. These manuscript refer to the section of 'REGULATIONS FOR THE ROYAL MARINE BARRACKS' (pp.61-71). For example, a paragraph in the section headed 'CASH' (p.69) is described in the notes as 'Obsolete | Purchases are made by the B. M. on the authority of W. A. G. & W. C. The Bills are paid by the Paymaster & forwar by him as Vouchers to his accounts'. Very scarce. No copy on COPAC. or WorldCat.