[Dr Edward Dalrymple Laborde of Harrow School.] Manuscripts of 'The South Sea Islands. A paper read before the Harrow Fifty Club' and 'The Pacific Islands. Rough drafts of a chapter [of one of his books]'. With four photographs of Fiji and documents.
In his history of the school Christopher Tyerman points out that Laborde came to Harrow in 1919 after Colonial Service employment as a Head Master in Fiji. Himself a historian of Harrow School, Laborde is referred to a number of times in Tyerman's book, and in particular on pp.504-505, where the following details are given: 'Educated privately and at London University, After a career in the Colonial Service as a Head Master in Fiji he came to Harrow to teach modern languages in 1919, 'shrewdly switching his interests to Ford's new specialist subjects geography (of which he became head in 1925) and the short-lived economics'. The collection comprises ten items: the two texts, four photographs of Fiji, and four associated documents. Both of the texts are placed in a 4to loose leaf spring binder, with descriptive label by Laborde pasted to front cover. The paper comes first, and is 14 + [1]pp. long; the drafts of the chapter follow, covering 55pp. Both binding and texts are in very good condition, lightly-aged. Laborde's handwriting is neat, and the paper is lightly corrected and an apparent final draft. In contrast the drafts of the chapter are rough, in pencil and ink, and not arranged in any sequence, being more of a bringing together of material for the writing of the chapter, which appeared in 'Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands', which was edited by Laborde and published in 1932. The four photographs, in black and white, are in good condition, with slight wear. Three carry the stamp of Stinson Studios on the reverse. Two of them are 15 x 20cm, and are captioned by Laborde 'Fijian marama (aristocratic ladies) bathing in a pool. This photo was taken in 1888. The ladies will not face the camera unblushing nowadays' and 'Levuka, a typical European settlement in Fiji. Note distant reef'. The other two photographs, both 10.5 x 15.5 cm., are captioned: 'A typical sea coast village in Fiji' and 'View of coral reef (foreground) taken from the reef itself'. The other four documents, all in good condition with light aging, are as follows. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed ('T. T.') from Rev. Truman Tanqueray (1888-1960) to Laborde. On letterhead of Pennell House, Eastbourne College; 3 March 1930. 2pp., 12mo. Regarding his 'contribution' (to 'Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands'): 'Yours & mine at all events do not overlap and mine has described Malays. My title of Melanesia will have to be altered.' After a brief discussion he turns to Laborde's 'most valuable contribution'. He concludes with the news that his 'second chapter on Imperial Problems is not completed'. TWO: Typed Note signed on behalf of J. D. Potter, Admiralty Agent for Charts. On Potter's letterhead; 11 March 1930. 1p., landscape 12mo. 'It is noted that you require to copy some charts for reproduction purposes. For permission to do this we would refer you to The Hydrographer, Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, S.W.1.' THREE: Printed 'Form H.195' from the Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, London, signed on behalf of the Hydrographer by 'C. Jonsey'. 1p., 8vo. Regarding [Laborde's] application to 'utilise information from Admiralty Charts'. FOUR: Slip of paper to accompany the four photographs, headed 'Photographs Circulated', and giving captions for them.