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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
St James’s Theatre, London: 1936 centenary production of ‘Pride and Prejudice’, designed by Rex Whistler (1905-1944) and starring Celia Johnson (1908-1982) and Hugh Williams (1904-1969) [Jane Austen]

[St James’s Theatre, London: 1936 centenary production of ‘Pride and Prejudice’, designed by Rex Whistler, and starring Celia Johnson and Hugh Williams.] Manuscript ‘Treasury Sheets’ of itemized accounts for 9 weeks of performances.

The Gilbert Miller production of ‘Pride and Prejudice’, designed by Rex Whistler, and starring Celia Johnson as Elizabeth Bennet and Hugh Williams as Mr Darcy, was a great success. It opened at the St James's Theatre, London, on 27 February 1936, and closed on 21 November 1936; with a Christmas...

[The Birth of the Scout Movement? R. B. Haldane [Richard Burdon Haldane (1856-1928), 1st Viscount Haldane, Lord Chancellor] [Lord Baden-Powell [Sir Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941)]; the Boy Scouts]

[The Birth of the Scout Movement?: R. B. Haldane and Baden-Powell’s ‘scheme’.] Typed Note with cyclostyled sigature from the future Lord Chancellor Richard Burdon Haldane to ‘General Baden-Powell’, regarding a meeting with Sir Edward Ward.

‘Scouting for Boys’ did not begin its serialized publication until January 1908, but Baden-Powell’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that it was Haldane, as Secretary for War, who ‘persuaded him that character training should be at the centre of any scheme of boy instruction’, following a ‘major...

Philip H. Calderon [Philip Hermogenes Calderon] (1833-1898), British historical genre painter of Franco-Spanish descent, Keeper of the Royal Academy [Mary Ethel Young Hunter [née Towgood] (1878-1936)]

[Philip Hermogenes Calderon, genre painter and Keeper of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Miss Towgood’ [Mary Ethel Young Towgood], student at the RA Schools, asking for names of authors of ‘Cartoons’ and ‘Creswick’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On a leaf of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient was studying at the Royal Academy Schools. Begins: ‘Dear Miss Towgood / Thanks for your letter and enclosed statement by Mr Percy Young.’ He asks to be sent ‘the names of the...

Sir Nevil Macready [Cecil Frederick Nevil Macready] (1862-1946), World War general, son of William Charles Macready [William Toynbee (1849-1942); Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland (1867-1955)]

[‘I knew the lady well’: General Sir Nevil Macready on Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland, her field hospital and marital misadventures.] Autograph Letter Signed to William Toynbee, editor of the diaries of his father, actor William Charles Macready.

Macready’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that he destroyed his diary and personal papers after the publication of his memoirs in 1924. If the present gossipy specimen is anything to go by, the loss of this material is most regrettable. (The ODNB entry for his father notes that he dealt with...

Duchess of Cleveland [Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Powlett; née Stanhope; also Lady Dalmeny, Lady Harry Vane] (1819-1901), aristocrat, historian, genealogist, mother of Earl of Rosebery, Prime Minister

[Catherine, Duchess of Cleveland, mother of the Prime Minister Lord Rosebery.] Autograph Signature (‘C Clevd.’) to Typed Note urging ‘Dear Jim’ to visit her.

On one side of 19 x 9 cm slip of paper with Osterley Park letterhead with her crested monogram in gold and black. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Somewhat shaky and curiously-antiquated signature. Typed note in capitals. One word and a few minor corrections to text in autograph....

History £45.00 Cleveland
Thomas Nelson Page (1853-1922), American author and lawyer, U.S. Ambassador to Italy under President Woodrow Wilson during World War I

[ Thomas Nelson Page, U.S. Ambassador to Italy under President Woodrow Wilson during World War I. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Nelson Page'), addressed to 'My dear Ladies', an amusing letter regarding his lack of a 'favorite recipe'.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He explains that if he had 'a favorite recipe' he would 'with pleasure impart it', but that he has none. He prefers to 'follow St Paul's advice and eat what is set before me asking no questions. I may say that I believe that I get better...

H.D. Traill [ Henry Duff Traill (1842 – 1900), author and journalist.]

[ H.D. Traill ] Autograph Letter Signed H.D. Traill to [George Townsend Warner] somewhat testily about Warner's contribution to Traill and Mann's Social England.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. Herewith I send your formal letter of agreement [not present] with respect to the contribution kindly forwarded by you to Social England [Traill and J.S. Mann's Social England: A Record of the Progress of the People in Religion, Laws, Learning, Arts,...

F. Seymour Haden [ Sir Francis Seymour Haden ] (1818-1910), etcher and surgeon

[ Sir Francis Seymour Haden, etcher and surgeon. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Seymour Haden'), in French, to a 'Colleague' [sic]

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He offers him a choice of engravings, explaining his constraints; 'Aussi vous savez entre amis et artists un traitement secondaire sera indigne'. There is also Haden had strong connections with France; according to his entry in the...

Lord Castlereagh [ Frederick Stewart, 4th Marquess of Londonderry ] (1805-1872), Tory politician, Member of Parliament for County Down

[ Lord Castlereagh, Tory politician. ] Autograph Signature ('Castlereagh') on frank addressed to Captain Wood, 10th Hussars, Kilkenny.

On 7.5 x 12 cm piece of paper, cut from the front of an envelope. With frank postmark in faint red ink. Laid out in the customary fashioin, with the date and address reading 'London June Twenty Four 1833. | Captn. Wood | 10th Hussars | Kilkenny', with 'Castlereagh' at bottom left.

Louis Tracy [ pseudonyms 'Gordon Holmes' and 'Robert Fraser'] (1863-1928), journalist and writer of fiction who collaborated with fantasy writer M. P. Shiel

[ Louis Tracy, writer of fiction who collaborated with M. P. Shiel. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Louis Tracy') to autograph hunter Montague Ball.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He writes: 'Dear Mr Montague Ball: - | I am very pleased to have your kind wishes & appreciation. | Yours very sincerely | Louis Tracy'.
