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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Marcus Bourne Huish [ Marcus B. Huish ] (1843-1921), author, editor of the Art Journal and first director of the Fine Arts Society

[ Marcus Bourne Huish, editor of the Art Journal and director of the Fine Arts Society. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Marcus B Huish') [ to Arthur Allchin ] regarding 'the Phiz exhibition'.

1p., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He has been called away at the last moment, and asks him to 'tell Mr. Brown anything that you may have to arrange respecting the Phiz Exhibition'. From the papers of Arthur Allchin. The Athenaeum reported in 1883 that 'Mr. Arthur Allchin, who was an...

Mary Cowden Clarke [ Mary Victoria Cowden Clarke, née Novello ] (1809-1898), author and Shakespeare scholar with her husband Charles Cowden Clarke (1787-1877), daughter of Vincent Novello

[ Mary Cowden Clarke, Shakespeare scholar and author. ] Autograph Signature taken from letter.

On 3.5 x 8.5 cm slip of paper, cut from a letter. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on part of a leaf from an autograph album. Reads: 'faithfully yours | Mary Cowden Clarke'.

Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833-1898), English historical genre painter, of Spanish and French extraction

[ Philip Hermogenes Calderon), historical genre painter, ] Autograph Letter Signed and two Autograph Notes Signed (all 'Philip H Calderon') to Dr W. H. Allchin, one about a medical appointment and another Allchin's electinon as an Athenaeum member.

The three items in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: ALS. 'Saturday' [no date]. Burlington House. 1p., 12mo. On grey paper with mourning border. Addressed to 'Dear Doctor'. Allchin arranged to go to see him on the following Monday or Tuesday. 'I find I shall be receiving new students from 9.30...

Sir Byrom Bramwell (1847-1931), physician and neurologist, President of the Royal College of Physicians

[ Sir Byrom Bramwell, President of the Royal College of Physicians. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Byrom Bramwell') to 'Mr. Milburn', regarding an exchange of portrait photographs.

Both in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: 14 June 1874. He is enclosing his 'photo' and hopes to get Milburn's in exchange, 'with your Autograph on the back'. He sends his regards to Milburn's father and mother. TWO. 21 August 1879. 2pp., 12mo. He received the photograph with pleasure...

Sir Charles Lock Eastlake (1793-1865), artist, President of the Royal Academy, Keeper of the National Gallery, London

[ Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, painter and President of the Royal Academy. ] Autograph Note Signed ('C. L. Eastlake') accepting an invitation to dinner.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'My dear Sir | I have great pleasure in accepting your invitation to dinner on Tuesday next. | Yours very faithfully | C. L. Eastlake'.

Sir James Nicholas Dick (1831-1920), Royal Navy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets, and Honorary Surgeon to King Edward VII [ Ernest Abraham Hart (1835-1898), editor, British Medical Journal ]

[ Sir James N. Dick, Royal Navy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J N Dick') to 'Hart' [ Ernest Hart, editor of the British Medical Journal ], regarding the post of 'Admiralty Surgeon & Agent at Hull'.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, with minor traces of stub adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Headed 'Private'. In reply to his letter he informs him that 'the post of Admiralty Surgeon & Agent at Hull has already been filled up by the appointment of Dr...

Sir John Bland-Sutton [born John Sutton] (1855–1936), surgeon, President of the Royal Society of Medicine and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England

[ Sir John Bland-Sutton, surgeon, President of the Royal Society of Medicine and of the Royal College of Surgeons. ] Two Autograph Letter Signed (both 'J Bland-Sutton'), one to 'Miss Smith', the other to 'Mr Milburn', regarding an interesting tumour.

Both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: To 'Miss Smith'. 2pp., 12mo. He 'would like the tumour very much, and a photo if you have it of the baby with the tumour in situ'. If the tumour proves of interest he would request 'Dr Milburn's permission to send it to the Royal College of Surgeons'....

Tony Benn [ Anthony Wedgwood Benn, quondam Viscount Stansgate ] (1925-2014), Labour politician

[ Anthony Wedgwood Benn, Labour politician: 'You shouldn't believe the rubbish you read in the press'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tony Benn') to 'Mrs Kingham', describing his 'life-style' and family.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Obtrusive stamp at head giving the date of receipt as 28 November 1979, with this date queried in ink. Benn's signature underlined by the recipient in thin red ink. Reads: 'Dear Mrs Kingham: | Forgive the delay. | My life-style is that of a...

Andrew Alexander (c.1787-1859), Professor of Greek in the University of St Andrews, Fife, Scotland [ Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor (1805-1869) ]

[ Andrew Alexander, Professor of Greek in the University of St Andrews. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Andw. Alexander') to Major R. G. Macgregor

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. A good long letter, full of content, thanking him for a presentation copy of his 'Translations from the Greek Anthology' (published without date in London by Nissen and Parker). He has perused most of Macgregor's translations 'with great...

Baron von Bunsen [ Christian Karl Josias von Bunsen ] (1791-1860), Prussian diplomat, scholar, and theologian who supported the German constitutional movement

[ Baron von Bunsen, Prussian diplomat. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Bunsen') to 'Mrs. Alexander', regarding 'Mr Gobah' letting her house.

1p., 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Friday 19/6 | Dear Mrs. Alexander | One word to-day: Mr Gobah takes the house, on your terms. Pray, send the Inventory. More to-morrow. | Ever yrs | Bunsen'. Presumably written during Bunsen's long residence in London.
