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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
James Bandinel [Thames Tunnel; Foreign Office, London, superintendant of the slave trade]

[Thames Tunnel; Marc Isambard Brunel] Circular Letter, printed but with MS additions inc. the signature James Bandinel, and correspondent's name Col Barry, referring to the printed products of a meeting of the Friends to the Thames Tunnel.

One page, 4to, bifolium, edges dusted, with other minor staining, text clear and complete. Text as follows, Manuscript (i.e. Bandinel's additions) indicated by square brackets: [11 Aug 1828] || [Sir] | The Committee appointed by the general meeting of Friends to the Thames Tunnel Undertaking...

Keidrych Rhys, Editor [Nina Hamnett]

[Nina Hamnett Annotation; Queen of Bohemia; Periodical] Wales 3

Printed wraps, advts back and front, pp.[1]-116, wraps dulled, stained and sl. worn, Contents in good condition, including Daniel Jones, Vernon Watkins, John Betjeman, Ruthven Todd. The phrase Nina Hamnett annotation is written top of front wrap by an unknown hand. See image (includes Contents...

Literature £100.00 Nina
R.A. Maynard, The Gregynog Press

[R.A. Maynard, The Gregynog Press] Typed Letter Signed R.A. Maynard, with MS addition, to Robert Pryce, giving information about the Press's Lord Herbert of Cherbury.

One page, 4to, dulled and stained, edges chipped in places, fold marks, text clear and complete. See Image. Text: [...] Our 'Lord Herbert of Cherbury' was issued in a limited edition of 300 copies at 4 guineas, and went out of print immediately after publication. I think however that you may...

Printing History £56.00 Gregynog
Sheena Lilian Grant Tennant (1883-1974, later Kendall), daughter of James Tennant (1852-1933) of Fairlieburne, Fairlie, Ayrshire, Scotland, industrialist and cousin of Margot Asquith [W. B. Yeats]

[Sheena Tennant, Scottish composer and Margot Asquith's niece.] Two pieces of printed sheet music: her piano accompaniments of 'An Irish Cradle Song', 'From Poems by W. B. Yeats'; and Yeats's 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree'.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Excessively scarce, with COPAC only listing one copy (at the British Library) of both items. ONE: 'An Irish Cradle Song. Words by W. B. Yeats. From Poems by W. B. Yeats, published by T. Fisher Unwin'. [1914.] 5 + [1]pp., folio. Title page...

Music and Theatre £350.00 Sheena
Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'

[Thomas Hughes, politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho. Hughes') to 'Bricknell', regarding the threat of resignation (from the Athenaeum?) by 'the good but peppery & impulsive D[octo]r.'

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Clearly and firmly written. The letter would appear to concern an individual who is threatening to resign his membership of the Athenaeum Club, and ends with reference to proxy voting for new members. Hughes begins by reporting...

Arthur Poyser, International Commissioner for Music, Master of the Lord Mayor's Players and Singers [the Boy Players], and founder in 1908 of the Lord Mayor's Own 1st City of London B.P. Scouts

Letterbook of Arthur Poyser, Master of the Lord Mayor's Players and Singers, founder of the Lord Mayor's Own 1st City of London B.P. Scouts, containing letters from a number of notable individuas, drawings, programmes, cuttings and other ephemera.

Poyser was the author of the first 'Official Song-book of the Scout Movement', 'The Scout Song Book' (1912). He published a history of the Tower of London in 1908, 'when I was Master of the Music of the Collegiate Church of Allhallows Barking-by-the-Tower, City of London'. For more information,...

John Wolcot, Peter Pindar (baptised 9 May 1738 – 14 January 1819), Satirist.

[John Wolcot, Peter Pindar; satirist] Two Letters [File copies?], Unsigned, from Wolcot to Henry Colburn, publisher [both docketed Sir Joshua Reynolds | sent to Colborn [sic] Bookseller

Total five pages, 8vo, trimmed (perhaps removing a place and date), closed tear on one fold, mainly good condition. This form of the letters (file copies?) was obviously in John Rope Rogers' mind in his Biographical Sketch, introducing Opie and His Works Being a Catalogue of 760 Pictures by John...

Art and Architecture, Literature £250.00 Pindar
Robert Southey (1774 – 1843), (Lake) Poet.

[Robert Southey, Poet] Holograph Addressed Envelope Only To | The Revd Edwin Sidney | Acle, | near | Norwich.

Piece of paper irregularly cut, c.11 x 6cm, tipped onto very slightly larger piece of paper. Docketed Southey the Poet in another hand. Sl stained, mainly good condition. See image. Sidney was apparently an autograph collector (see Googled entry Edwin Sidney of Acle on iCollector).

Literature £80.00 Southey
[Aberdeen Shoemaker's Stock and Equipment, 1838]

[Aberdeen Shoemaker's Stock and Equipment, 1838] [MANUSCRIPT] Roup [Auction] Account of the Stock in Trade which belonged to Mr. Andrew Affleck Shoemaker sold in his Shop Union Street Aberdeen | 19th and 20th March 1838.

Eight Pages, sm. fol., two bifoliums, fold marks, good condition. Stock and Cobblers' Equipment listed with quantities and sums achieved. Headings: Pair Prunella Shoes; Prunella Boots, Cloth Boots [...] Leather Shoes, Boots, Gents Boots, Wellington Boots, Blucher Boots, Slippers [...],...

Social history £250.00 Shoemaker
[Medical; Prescriptions; France]

[Medical; Prescriptions; France] Manuscript: entitled Etat des medicaments Livres pour les pauvres de la Commun de Beaudours pendant le Courant de l'annee 1818 par [?] Pousset, pharmacien a St Ghislaine

In French. Eleven pages, sm. fol., bifoliums, unbound, sl. dulled but good condition, text clear. A listing in columns: Patient; prescription (medicine given); cost. See Images of Pages [1] and [11]

French, Science, Medicine and Technology £250.00 Medical