[Pamphlet; Greek] Maximu philosophu peri katarchon recensuit et cum annotationibus ed. Eduardus Gerhardius.
Disbound pamphlet,[i-ii] title; [1]-35pp.; [36]colophon, foxing. ow good. Eight copies (or so) on WorldCat; BL copy on COPAC. This work was originally in a volume from the Library of Henry Drury, friend of Byron, on the front endpaper of which is inscribed by Drury "coll.perf. | H.Drury. Harrow.| 1823.c.135.3", AND in Drury's hand also, "In this Volume are contained || W. Scott's Halidon Hill. Edinburgh. 1822. | Harroviensis on Lord Byron. London. 1822. | Lord Byron on Bowles. London.1821 | A Remonstrance addressed to Mr. John Murray respecting a recent Publication. Lond. 1822. | Neale's letter [Cheltenham Spa] London. | Phillpotts letter to Grey. Durham. 1821. (A present from the Author) [written by Drury] Maximi Philosophi Poema Graecum. Lips: 1820. | Creuseri Oratio. Lug. Bat. 1809." The other volumes are listed (until sold) on this inventory.