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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Isaac Taylor [ Isaac Taylor (1829–1901), son of Isaac Taylor, philologist, toponymist, and Anglican canon of York (from 1885).

[ Isaac Taylor, philologist ] Autograph Letter Signed Isaac Taylor to unnamed correspondent who has invited him to give an account of sll the alphabets in the world.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, formerly tipped into an album (hinges survive), good condition. I do not think it would be easy, or even possible to give an account of sll the alphabets in the world within the limits you name. The Indian alphabet alone would more than occupy the whole space. But if...

W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian [Marie Lloyd]

[ W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian; Marie Lloyd ] Typescript of Marie Lloyd - as I knew her

Typescript (carbon), Seven pages, 4to, good condition. the text as Macqueen-Pope typed it had a good crop of typos (for example, we justvcllaed for we just called), some elision, but just two annotations (the correction of the spelling of weasels, and change of a pub name from the Kings Head to...

Charles Clay [ Sir Charles Travis Clay (1885 – 1978), librarian and antiquarian who was the librarian of the House of Lords Library from 1922–56.]

[ Charles Clay, House of Lords Librarian] Autograph Letter Signed Charles Clay to T. Edwards Jones, about Lord Crewe's collection of William Blake material.

One page, 8vo, bifolium, edges dusted ow good. Lord Crewe (his superior in the India Office) has asked him to respond to T. Edwards Jones's question about Crewe's father's Blake collection. He would have been pleased to be of assistance to you in regard to your lecture on William Blake, but he...

Dudley Moore, comedian and musician, half of the 'Pete and Dud' duo with Peter Cook; Les Tomkins, Features Editor of the jazz music magazine 'Crescendo'

[Dudley Moore, comedian and jazz musician, interviewed by Les Tomkins for 'Crescendo'.] Typescript of 'The Serious Side of Dudley Moore', with second part ('More Music and Moore'), gig review, and carbon of Tomkins letter to editor Victor Graham.

The interview was published in two numbers of 'Crescendo' ('The world's most authoritative music magazine', founded 1962). The first part, retitled 'Music & Moore | Les Tomkins interviews “The Genuine Dud” – was the leading article (pp.18-19) of the July 1966 number of ), with Moore...

Elisabeth Frink [ Dame Elisabeth Jean Frink (1930 – 1993), sculptor and printmaker ].

[ Elisabeth Frink ] One Autograph Letter Signed Elisabeth Frink AND one Typed Letter Signed Elisabeth to Mr. Roberts and Ted respectively (O.E. Roberts), part-time sculptor and collector.

Letter One (Minster House).two pages, cr.8vo, expansive handwriting, very good condition. Text: I am very sorry I have not been able to send you a drawing yet. I have been working very hard this last year for a big exhibition, and apart from that I just have not had a drawing available to send...

[Operation Overlord (Battle of Normandy), 1944] 'AQMG (Ops) EASTERN COMMAND' [i.e. Lieut.-Col. Colin Thornton-Kernsley (1903-1977)]

[Battle of Normandy, 1944.] 'Secret' British Army pamphlet titled 'OPERATION “OVERLORD” - 1944 | Report by AQMG (Ops) EASTERN COMMAND', describing 'the part played by Eastern Command in the preparations for and launching of the operation'.

Sir Colin Thornton-Kernsley is identified as author from the first of the pamphlet's seven appendices ('Eastern Command | List of officers principally concerned with plans for the mounting of Overlord'), where he is described as: 'Chairman: AQMG(Ops) Lt. Col. C. N. Thornton Kernsley MP-RA'. See...

[Reports and printed material relating to the stock market, assembled by an Anglo-German firm of City of London stockbrokers between 1918 and 1934]

Four albums of typed memoranda, reports, and newspaper cuttings, relating to the stock market and economic situation, assembled by a firm of Anglo-German City of London stockbrokers, with memoranda of 'Things to be Kept in Mind' and other matter.

The collection of seven items is in fair condition, lightly-aged and with slight rust staining to a few pages. The material is from the archives of an Anglo-German firm of City of London stockbrokers (see the list of clients in Item One below, all with German names), and is valuable for the...

George Frampton [ Sir George James Frampton (1860–1928), sculptor ]

[ George Frampton, sculptor ] Autograph Card Signed Geo. Frampton to an unnamed male correspondent (collector?), with a brief message about a work he is sending to the R.A.

Card, 9 x 11.5cm, a little grubby but the messge is bold and clear, as follows: Dear Sir | Shall be very pleased to show you what I am sending to R.A. the next Sunday aft[ernoon].

George Rose [ (1744–1818), politician, sometime Treasurer of The Navy, friend of Horatio Nelson.

[ George Rose; Royal Navy ] Autograph Note Signed G Rose (docketed Mr Rose's Note to Mr Baynes in a contemporary hand)

One page, cr. 8vo, grubby, fold marks, but text clear, as follows: I am very sorry it will not be in my power to be present at the quarterly General Board of the Royal Naval Asylum, as an Appointment has for some Time past been made for a Court of the Trinity Corporation to swear me in as an...

[Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge]

[Booklet] National Society Central-School Book. Number 3.

24pp, printed wraps, grubby and worn, ms. figures back ep., contents good. One copy with this title found on WorldCat (Free Library of Philadelphia) has different publisher details ([London] : Printed for F.C. and J. Rivington, no. 62, St. Paul's Church Yard; at the Free-School, Gower's Walk,...
