[Maltman's Green, Gerrards Cross, girls school.]
Advertising booklet for the school, printed in black on three sides of a 20.5 x 23 cm bifolium of cream wove paper. In fair condition, on lightly aged and spotted paper, with one fold and slight nicking to edges. The item is undated, but must date before Chambers' retirement in 1944. The cover has a distinct modernist feel, with an 8.5 x 20 cm stylised illustration of a village green with old-fashioned houses, presumably including the school buildings, and at bottom right the words 'MALTMAN'S GREEN | GERRARD'S CROSS' in large sans serif capitals. In contrast with the cover the typerface for the text is somewhat old-fashioned, and the item would appear to date from the 1920s. No other copy has been traced on OCLC WorldCat or elsewhere. The reverse of the first leaf lists the names of the twenty-three members of staff, beginning with 'HEAD MISTRESS. | Miss CHAMBERS - M.A. Late Head-Mistress of the Huddersfield High School. Girton College, Cambridge', and ending with 'Miss Stevenson - L.R.A.M. Violin. Pupil of Professor Andreas Moser, Berlin | Miss Wellman - Riding | Mrs. Penelope Wheeler - Elocution.' There are twelve members of 'Resident Staff' and ten members of 'Visiting Staff'. The recto of the second leaf is filled with a description of the school, in small type, under the headings 'Site', 'Aims of School', 'General Notes' and 'Fees'. The first section reads: 'THE HOUSE is ideally situated on gravel soil, and is provided with Electric Light, Central Heating, the Company's Water, excellent Sanitary Arrangements and Bathroom Accommodation, and a Sanatorium for Infectious Diseases. | THE HOUSE is a charming old-world building in its own extensive grounds, in the midst of picturesque surroundings of woods and hills, which are in themselves a stimulus to the beauty-loving instincts of children.' The first of the four 'Aims of School' is 'To encourage the full and free development of every child's special faculties and to foster the growth of self-discipline. The girls will be stimulated to self-control and consideration for the comfort and happiness of others, and in general, helped towards positive goodness rather than to the merely passive and negative abstention from wrong-doing, which has no real value in character building.' Other aims include the encouragement of 'self-expression by means of Literature, Acting, Music, Dancing, daily Physical Exercises and Handicraft of every description', and 'to develop that initiative and resource which are often lacking to young people' by 'practical work - if possible for the community'.