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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
L. P. Hartley [ Leslie Poles Hartley ] (1895-1972), English novelist and short-story writer

[ L. P. Hartley, novelist. ] Two typewritten drafts of his final short story 'The Ugly Picture', one headed in autograph 'First Version | (with description of <Verdley?> picture)'.

'The Ugly Picture' was L. P. Hartley's final short story. It appeared in the Christmas issue of the Spectator, 23 December 1972, a few days before his death. There is a synopsis in Adrian Wright's 'Foreign Country: The Life of L. P. Hartley' (1996). Neither of the two drafts present here...

Major M. L. Ferrar [ Michael Lloyd Ferrar (1876-1971) ] of the Green Howards [ Green Point Prisoner of War Camp, Cape Town South Africa; Boer War, 1902 ]

[ A British Prisoner of War Camp in the aftermath of the Boer War. ] Mimeographed document headed 'Camp Orders by Major M. L. Ferrar | Comm[an]d[in]g Depot Batt[alio]n | Green Point Camp | 16fh. August 1902'.

1p., 8vo. A mimeographed document duplicating fifty lines of handwriting (that of Ferrar himself?). Embossed government crest at top left. A scarce survival, on aged and heavily-worn paper, with closed tears and slight loss to extremities, repaired with archival tape. Text in eleven sections: '...

Frederick James Marquis (1883-1964), 1st Earl of Woolton, Conservative politician [ K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London ]

[ Frederick Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Woolton') to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, declining to take the chair at a meeting.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, with hole from paperclip at top left, and small rust spot to left-hand margin. Woolton's signature has been underlined by Luckhurst in red pencil. He thanks him for the invitation to take the chair 'at the meeting of the Society on Wednesday, 19th January, when Mr....

Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington, 11th Baronet (1835–1911) [ Michael Doyle, Steward, Lincoln's Inn; Joseph Ede, robe maker; Burton Ravenscroft and J. R. Metherell, wig makers; ]

[ Lincoln's Inn, 1858. ] Material relating to the calling to the bar of Richard Harington (later 11th Baronet), including bill and receipt from 'The Honorable Society', 'Copy of Order', notices, correspondence from the robe maker and wig maker

10 items. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. All but the last in manuscript. ONE: 'Copy of Order on Call to the Bar', Lincoln's Inn, 'Dated Michas Term 1858.' 1p., 8vo. Signed at foot 'Ml Doyle | Steward.' Reads: 'At a Special Council there held the Sixteenth day of November, in the...

J.P. Morgan Jr [ John Pierpont "Jack" Morgan Jr., also referred to as J.P. Morgan Jr. (1867–1943), American banker, finance executive, and philanthropist. ]

[ J.P. Morgan, Banker ] Autograph Signature (clipped from TLS, "Yours very sincerely" surviving).)

Subscription of Typed Letter Signed, 9 x 2.5cm, laid down on piece of card, 9 x 6cm, Typed below siganture, "Mr J.P., Morgan | 1917".

James Ritchie (1882-1958), Scottish naturalist, Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh, 1936-1952

[ James Ritchie, Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh. ] Autograph Letter Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, proposing a lecture on 'Methods of Controlling Mussels & other Marine growths in Sea-pipes'.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. With oval date stamp of the Royal Society of Arts. He wonders whether 'some Fellows' might be interested to 'hear an account of "Methods of Controlling mussels & other Marine growths in Sea-Pipes"'. He explains: 'The blocking of pipes by mussel...

Sir Oswyn Murray [ Sir Oswyn Alexander Ruthven Murray ] (1873-1936), Permanent Secretary to the Admiralty, 1917-1936 [ Sir Richard Harington of Whitbourne Court ]

[ The Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, in the aftermath to the Great War. ] Typed circular, with cyclostyled signature of 'O. Murray' [ Sir Oswyn Murray ], inviting the parents of cadets to withdraw their offspring as fewer officers are needed.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged. In good condition, lightly aged and neatly folded. Addressed with typed name of 'Sir R. Harington, Bart.', followed by his address 'Whitbourne Court, | Worcester' in manuscript. Seven numbered paragraphs, the first reading: 'Sir, | I am...

Lieutenant General William Hargrave (d.1751), Governor of Gibraltar, 1740-1749, Colonel, Royal Regiment of Fuzileers; Lieutenant General Thomas Fowke (c.1690-1765), Governor of Gibraltar, 1754-1756

[ Gibraltar Garrison. ] Manuscript accounts for field and staff officers in 'Establishment of the Forces and Garrison of Gibraltar | A Regiment of Foot', including Fowke's company; and 'Royal Regimt. of Fuziliers', including Hargrave's company.

On both sides of a folio leaf. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Paginated 47-48. The first page is headed 'Establishment of the Forces and Garrison of Gibraltar | A Regiment of Foot | Field & Staff Officers'. Giving the cost by day and year for 'Field & Staff Officers' (in...

Richard Arnold (1682-1742), Deputy Secretary at War in England, and Secretary at War in Scotland [ Gibraltar ]

[ Gibraltar Garrison and Chelsea Hospital. ] True copies, both signed 'Rd. Arnold', of 'Warrant for deducting 12d in the Pound', applied to Minorca and Gibraltar, and to Chelsea Hospital, and 'Abstract of the Charge of the foregoing Establishment'.

On the two sides of a folio leaf of watermarked wove paper. On one side is the copy of the 'Warrant for deducting 12s. in the Pound | To | Our Rt. trusty & Wellbeloved Counsellor Spencer Lord Wilmington, Paymr. General of Our Guards, Garrisons & Land Forces in Great Britain & Forces...

Sir William Palin Elderton (1877-1962), actuary, President of the Institute of Actuaries [ William Henry Besant (1828-1917), mathematician; Royal Society of Arts, London ]

[ Sir William Palin Elderton, actuary. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'W. Palin Elderton'), the first to the mathematician W. H. Besant and the second to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts

Both items in good condition, on lightly aged paper, and both docketed in blue pencil. The letter to Wood with the oval date stamp of the Society. ONE: ALS to Sir H. T. Wood, 23 January 1916. 1p., 12mo. Reads: 'I hear that my friend Mr. Besant has very kindly recommended that I might be able to...
