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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Robert Darcy (1681-1721), 3rd Earl of Holderness, British peer and politician

[ Robert Darcy, 3rd Earl of Holderness. ] Autograph Signature ('Holderness') to Exchequer document.

1p., 8vo.On aged and worn paper, and with a thin tick traversing the latter part of the signature. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records payment of £50 to Darcy, as 'Assigne of Conyerds Darcey'. Signature at foot of 'Witness | John Thomas'.

Sir Anthony Morgan (1621-1668), English army officer and Commonwealth politician, confidante of Oliver Cromwell, with interest in Irish affairs [ Sir John Maynard (1604-1690), lawyer and politician ]

[ Sir Anthony Morgan, English army officer and Commonwealth politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ant: Morgan') to Sir John Maynard, regarding the petition of 'Capt Ed: Lister & Joan his wife'.

1p., 8vo. Bifolium. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, with seal in red wax, 'for Serieant Maynard | at his Chamber at ye Temple or elswhere'. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with outer cover somewhat discoloured. He states that, as Maynard is 'a party concernd in ye Petn...

History £250.00
Sir Richard Hoare (1648-1719), founder in 1672 of the oldest bank in the United Kingdom [ Hoare's Bank; C. Hoare & Co. ]

[ Sir Richard Hoare, banker. ] Autograph Signature ('Richard Hoare') on part of Exchequer Receipt, as assignee of 'Seth Connell'.

On 17 x 11.5 cm. piece of paper, cut from an Exchequer receipt book. Firm signature, with thin vertical cancellation line traversing it, in good condition at foot of aged and damaged page. Laid out in the customary fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. Recording payment of £10 11s...

Sir Robert Brown (d.1760), 1st Baronet, of Westminster, Member of Parliament for Ilchester

[ Sir Robert Brown, 1st Baronet, of Westminster. ] Autograph Signature ('Rob Brown.') to Exchequer document.

Good firm and signature, repaired on reverse, on aged, worn and damaged page. Laid out in the usual fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records payment to Brown on an annuity, as Assignee of Charles Williams'.

Sir William Carew (1690-1744), 5th Baronet, of Antony, near Saltash, Cornwall, Tory Member of Parliament

[ Sir William Carew, Bart, of Antony, near Saltash, Cornwall. ] Autograph Signature ('W Carew') on Exchequer receipt.

On 19.5 x 19 cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records payment of £9 11s 8d on an annuity. With signature of witness 'E Clark'. For more information on Carew, see his two entries in the History of...

Henry M. Stanley. Welsh journalist and explorer

[ Henry M. Stanley ] Autograph Signature with additional "job title", "Henry M. Stanley | Special Commissioner | in Africa of the | 'New York Herald'". possibly subscription to a letter.

Paper, 13 x 6cm, upper edge sl ragged from detachment from larger page, good condition.

[Medieval religious illustration: ‘MISSAL RHEIMS’ (illuminated manuscript from Reims, France?)]

[Medieval religious illustration: ‘MISSAL RHEIMS’.] Two detailed miniature illuminated illustrations of the the temptation of Christ by the Devil, on vellum, in medieval religious style, each docketed ‘MISSAL RHEIMS’.

Two sprightly illustrations - bright, fresh and detailed - in vibrant colours (cobalt blue, light blue, pink, red purple, black, green), each with the background painted in gilt. The illustrations would appear to be genuine, but may be copies. Each is on a rectangle of vellum, and both are...

Printing History £250.00 Reims
[ Victorian women and the legal profession ] [ Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet, judge ]

[ Victorian women and the legal profession. ] Illustrated humorous manuscript valentine poem, in the form of a 'Brief | for the opinion of Mr Harington', on what would happen if the 'ladies' appeared 'in wig and gown', with '”chambers” up in town.'

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Folded in customary fashion, with 'Brief | for the opinion of Mr Harington' on the outside of the packet, beneath which, in another hand: 'Feby 14th. 1890 | Richard Harington Esq'. The author's hand is clearly disguised, as is usual with valentines, the writing being...

Valens Comyn (1688-1751), English merchant and Member of Parliament, who made a fortune from speculating in privateering

[ Valens Comyn, English parliamentarian. ] Autograph Signature on Exchequer receipt.

1p., 8vo. On leaf extracted from an Exchequer receipt book. Good firm signature, undamaged, on document with creasing and heavy wear elsewhere. Laid out in customary style, with printed text completed in manuscript. Recording receipt by Comyn, as assignee of 'Hale' of fifty pounds on an annuity...

History £80.00
Daniel Finch (1689-1769), 8th Earl of Winchilsea and 3rd Earl of Nottingham [ Lord Finch until 1730 ], British parliamentarian; John Shepherd, Deputy-Messenger to the Treasury

[ Daniel Finch, 8th Earl of Winchelsea and 3rd Earl of Nottingham. ] Autograph Signature ('Winchelsea & Nottingham') to manuscript Treasury receipt, made out in the hand of the witness John Shepherd.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged paper. The body of the letter, made out by the witness, reads: 'Received this 9th: day of Augt. 1732 of The Right Honble: Lord Onslow the Sum of Five hundred and fifty five pounds being in full of the annex'd order I say Recd: by me', with reiteration in the...
