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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Antonio Watripon [ Louis Veuillot (1813-1883), French journalist and supporter of Ultramontanism; Gustave Havard ]

[ Printed item. ] Les Cosaques Pontificaux par Antonio Watripon.

32pp., 8vo. Disbound. In printed yellow wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and spotted, with the wraps detached from one another and the volume. An attack on Ultramontanism, and on Louis Veuillot in particular. Four copies on OCLC WorldCat and now scarce.

Sir George Cornewall Lewis (1806-1863), Liberal politician who as Minister of War in 1861 kept Britain out of the American Civil War [Peter Jackson of the Caxton Press]

[Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Liberal Minister of War who kept Britain out of the American Civil War.] Autograph Letter Signed to Peter Jackson of the Caxton Press, about a petition opposing ‘the opening of the General Post Office on the Lord’s Day'.

Lewis’s entry in the Oxford DNB describes how, as Minister of War in 1861, successfully led the British cabinet to reject Lord John Russell and Gladstone’s calls for Britain to intervene on behalf of the Confederacy in the American Civil War. 1p, foolscap 8vo. Folded twice. In fair condition, on...

Caroline Oxenford (1865-1919) of Hove, Sussex, editor of the Esperanto magazine 'La Vagabondo', organ of 'La Esperantista Vagabonda Klubo' [ Eric Forbes-Robertson (1865-1935), artist and actor ]

[ Esperanto magazine. ] Four numbers of 'La Vagabondo', the organ of Caroline Oxenford's 'Esperantista Vagabonda Klubo'.

'La Vagabondo' (The Tramp) was the organ of 'La Esperantista Vagabonda Klubo', founded and edited by the artist Caroline Oxenford. Having previously been named 'La Vagabonda Monatajo' (January to March 1908) and 'La Vagabondisto' (April to July 1908), it became 'La Vagabondo' from September 1908...

Sarah Churchill (1660-1744), Duchess of Marlborough, wife of the great Duke of Marlborough; Francis Godolphin (1678-1766), 2nd Earl of Godolphin; William Clayton (1671-1752), 1st Baron Sundon

[ The Duchess of Marlborough, the Earl of Godolphin, and Lord Sundon. ] Autograph Signatures ('S: Marlbrough | Godolphin | Sundon') on part of an Exchequer receipt.

On an irregular piece of paper, 18cm. high and 23cm. wide at the extremities. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Torn from a larger leaf, with one side carrying manuscript additions completing printed text ('In Repayment of Loan on the Eighteenth, 2s. Aid, Anno 1739.'). In manuscript: '...

Augustus Short (1802-1883), first Bishop of Adelaide, Librarian of Christ Church [ Rev. Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose;J ohn Henry Newman; the Oxford Movement; Tractarians ]

[ Augustus Short, Bishop of Adelaide. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'A Short'), written while at Oxford to Rev. Richard Harington, regarding the Oxford Movement and 'Schismatics', and reporting a comment by John Henry Newman.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. According to Short's entry in the Oxford DNB, he 'had many friends among the Tractarians, and wrote (but did not publish) a defence of Tract 90, though he voted for the condemnation of W. G. Ward's Ideal of a Christian Church in 1845. In 1846...

Religion £120.00
[Messrs Dowdeswell; Art Gallery; Impressionists]

[ Dowdeswell Art Gallery; Impressionists, 1883 ] Printed Invitation to Messrs Dowdeswell's pioneering Impressionist Exhibition

Printed item, c.35 x 10cm, fold mark, some faint marking, mainly good condition. It commences, "Messrs Dowdeswell request the honour of your company at a PRIVATE VIEW. [...] of the Works by Members of 'La Societe des Impressionistes' (Examples by Degas, Monet, Renoir, Sisley, Pissaro [sic]...

Art and Architecture £180.00
Jean Izoulet [ La Revue Bleue, Paris; Collège de France, Cours de Philosophie Sociale; Social Science in France ]

[ Printed item. ] Les Quatres Problèmes Sociaux par Jean Izoulet.

31pp., 8vo. Disbound pamphlet. In green printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper, in worn wraps, with a few notes in light pencil. The title-page is headed: 'Collège de France | Cours de Philosophie Sociale | Leçon d'Ouverture | (16 décembre 1897)'. On p.6 Izoulet writes: '...

[John Fowles; The French Lieutenant's Woman; movie/film]

[John Fowles; film adaptation; Pinter; Karel Reisz] The French Lieutenant's Woman. Revised Production Information.

Typescript (carbon), not paginated, [30pp], stapled, good condition. Another copy is in the Ray Roberts Collection of John Fowles material (HRC). See image of Contents page, from Background and Fowles on location to Developing the Novel ,The Book, the actors, Unit List, Cast List. For insights...

Arnold Bennett (1867-1931), English author from the Staffordshire Potteries [ Frederick Ignatius Cowles (1900-1948), English author of supernatural fiction ]

[ Arnold Bennett, English author. ] Typed Note Signed to the ghost story writer Frederick I Cowles, declining to act.

S1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount on reverse. Addressed to 'Frederick I. Cowles, Esq., F.R.S.L., F.R.S.A., F.S.A.' Reads: 'Dear Sir, | In reply to your letter, I should have liked to oblige you but it is impossible for me to do so. The matter would require...

Mrs Oliphant [ Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant ] (1828-1897), Scottish novelist [ Anna Maria Hall [ née Fielding ] (1800-1881), author, wife of Samuel Carter Hall (1800-1889), journalist ]

[ Mrs Oliphant to her editor, Mrs. S. C. Hall. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M O W Oliphant.') to 'Mrs. Hall', regarding the publication by her of a 'bit of a story', and the acquiring of postage stamps in 'primitive' Rosneath.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. On lightly aged and ruckled paper, with slight damage at head of gutter. The letter would appear to concern a contribution intended for 'The Juvenile Forget Me Not', the annual Mrs S. C. Hall began editing in the late 1820s. begins: 'My dear Mrs. Hall...
