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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Thomas Tooke (1774-1858), Victorian economist, for whom the Tooke Chair of Economics at King's College London (LSE) was endowed, and after whom Tooke Town, Millwall, was named [Charles Babbage]

[Thomas Tooke, Victorian economist, throws over Charles Babbage for a 'superior attraction'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. Tooke') to 'Mrs. Hawes', regarding a dinner invitation, sending three trout caught by his son in the Itchen.

In 1821, along with Ricardo, Malthus, James Mill, and others, Tooke founded the Political Economy Club. Although Carlyle is unlikely to have had him specifically in mind, Tooke is the archetypal 'Professor of the Dismal Science'. 2pp, 18mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice...

Rafael Kubelik [ Rafael Jeroným Kubelík ] (1914-1996), Czech-born conductor and composer.

[ Rafael Kubelik, Czech-born conductor and composer. ] Autograph Signature.

Good firm large signature in blue ink on 13.5 x 18.5 cm leaf of cream paper torn from an album. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads 'Rafael Kubelik | 25.X.37.' No other writing on either side of the leaf.

Sir Alan John Cobham (1894-1973), English aviation pioneer, proprietor of the National Aviation Day Disply ('Cobham's Flying Circus')

[ Sir Alan J. Cobham, English aviation pioneer. ] Circular printed letter in the form of a facsimile of a signed letter by him, thanking the recipient for making 'our Air Display a success'.

Cobham started his National Aviation Day displays (known as "Cobham's Flying Circus") in 1932. These displays were a combination of barnstorming and joyriding by a team of skilled pilots in up to fourteen aircraft, ranging from single-seaters to modern airliners. The show toured the country,...

St John Adcock [ Arthur St. John Adcock ] (1864-1930), poet, novelist and editor of 'The Bookman' [ J. Cuming Walters [ John Cuming Walters ] (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News ]

[ St John Adcock, journalist, novelist and poet. ] Typed Letter Signed ('St. John Adcock') to J. Cuming Walters, on his health (a year before his death), work as editor of 'The Bookman', 'Collected Poems', and Cuming Walters's 'Charm of Lancashire'.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph reads: 'Dear Cuming Walters, | Forgive me for not writing sooner. The fact is I have been down with influenza and pneumonia for the last three weeks. The worst time of the year for me! After the first week I contrived with...

'An Observer' [Second Battle of Copenhagen, 1807; Bombardment of Copenhagen; Royal Navy; Napoleonic Wars]

[Bombardment of Copenhagen, 1807.] Printed pamphlet: 'An Examination of the Causes which led to the late Expedition against Copenhagen. By an Observer.'

Although ostensibly neutral, Denmark participated was participating in the Continental Blockade, and under heavy pressure from the French and their Russian allies to pledge its fleet to Napoleon. As a consequence a Royal Navy fleet, under Vice-Admiral James Saumarez, bombarded the Copenhagen for...

Mrs Alec Tweedie [Ethel Brilliana Tweedie, née Harley] (1862–1940), travel writer, author and society figure

[Mrs Alec Tweedie [Ethel Brilliana Tweedie, née Harley], travel writer, author and society figure.] Three substantial volumes of newspaper cuttings, collected by her, relating to her life, work and travels in Iceland and Mexico.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which carries a quotation pointing out her ‘unerring sense of admiration for herself’. What the present collection of well over a thousand cuttings assembled by her from newspapers and magazines appears to indicate is that the admiration was to a certain extent...

Social history, Travel and Topography, Women £950.00 Tweedie
Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999), American-born Jewish violinist who settled in England and was ennobled as Baron Menuhin

[ Yehudi Menuhin, one of the greatest violinists of the twentieth-century. ] Autograph Signature.

On one side of an 11.5 x 17 cm leaf extracted from an album. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Large bold signature, slightly smudged by Menuhin, written diagonally and upwards at the centre of the page. Reads: 'Yehudi Menuhin | Nov. 65, 1934'. On the reverse have been lightly tipped-in...

[ B. J. Johnson, Principal, and E. Caird, Chairman, Society of Oxford Home-Students, Association for Promoting the Education of Women in Oxford, founded in 1878 ]

[ The Society of Oxford Home-Students, Association for the Education of Women, Oxford. ] 'Second Annual Report, 1896-7' and 'Annual Report, 1903-4'.

Both items stitched and unbound 16mo pamphlets. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, both from the Board of Education Library, and with the former carrying a shelfmark label and the latter the Library's stamp. ONE: 'Association for the Education of Women | Oxford | Home Students | Second...

[ Richard Royston (1601-1686), 'bookseller to three kings'; Joseph Smyther; Hercules Comander, scrivener; Giles Horsington; Henry Lacock; the Court of Chancery ]

[ Richard Royston, 'bookseller to three kings'. ] Autograph Signature, with that of 'Jo Smyther', to a Latin bond (by Giles Horsington for Hercules Comander, both signing), with English memorandum, regarding an obligation to pay Anne Blofeild.

1p., folio. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the neat, controlled signature of 'Richard Royston' at the foot, with that of 'Jo Smyther' above it. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with two seals cut from the first leaf. The document was produced in the Chancery suit '...

A. H. Gilkes [ Arthur Herman Gilkes ] (1849-1922), Master of Dulwich College, educationalist and author

[ Arthur Herman Gilkes, Master of Dulwich College. ] Autograph Note Signed ('A. H. Gilkes'), regarding his entry in a biographical dictionary.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Evidently written to the editor of a biographical dictionary. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I enclose the notice, with the names of the two book, [sic] | 'The thing that hath been” & “Kallistratus”, | that I have written since the first issue. | I am yours...
