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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Victor Noir (pseudonym for Yvan Salmon)

Autograph Note Signed. In French.

Journalist (1848-1870), killed 1870 in duel by Prince Pierre Buonaparte. The note is one page, 12mo, as follows: "La Gazette de Java, se recommande a l'Avenir Nationale / Victor Noir". The conjoint leaf has the following information, possibly in the same hand but more formal: "La Gazette de Java...

Book Trade History, French, Literature £1,500.00
Victor Sardou.

Autograph Note Signed to an unknown friend

French playwright. One page, 12mo. In French. He declares in inflated terms his inability to dine with him on a certain day.

French, Music and Theatre £45.00
Victor Sawdon Pritchett

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Valentine'.

English novelist (1900-96). One page, octavo. Good, but with slight marking from staple in top left-hand corner. He is glad his correspondent is 'having therapy for your bad back for, hard work though it is, and must be in your case, I'm sure you will find it helpful. | About author's proofs,...

Book Trade History, Literature £28.00
Victor Silvester

Autograph Card Signed to unnamed correspondent.

English ballroom dancing champion and bandleader (1900-78). Dimensions: 2½ inches by 4 inches. In good condition, with traces of mount adhering to otherwise-blank reverse. Reads 'With best wishes | from | Victor Silvester'.

Music and Theatre £15.00
Victorian Chapbook [Newcastle; Provincial Printing]

Life of Jack Sheppard, The Notorious House and Gaol Breaker.

12mo: 24 pp. Leaf dimensions: 15.5 x 9.5 cms. Unbound. Good, on aged paper with fraying to extremities and a little light staining to title. Decorative title-page with vignette. On verso of title: list of twenty-three 'Penny Histories' ('Crown 12mo. Three or upwards sent post free to any address...

Literature £66.00
Victorian colour printing [nineteenth century illustration; chromolithography; lithographic Calendar 1878]

Illustrated chromolithographic printing proof of 'CALENDAR 1878 | ENGLISH & FOREIGN WATCHES & CLOCKS | A CHOICE SELECTION OF JEWELLERY'.

Printed on one side of a piece of stiff art paper (shiny on printed side, matt on reverse), dimensions roughly 245 x 160 mm). Very good. The name of the firm is not stated, and dabs of colour in 3 mm margins as printing guide. Attractive and characteristic illustration, in eight (?) colours:...

Victorian notebook filled with humorous anecdotes [A. S. S. Sidney, Wobaston House, Wolverhampton; nineteenth-century English social history; jokes; humour]

Manuscript notebook, titled 'Anecdotes &c.', containing several hundred humorous stories (transcribed and 'Related'), with a few newspaper and magazine cuttings.

Quarto (leaf dimensions roughly 19.5 x 15.5 cm). Ruled with twenty-eight lines to the page. Written in a close, neat hand, covering the first ninety-one pages of the notebook. Loosely inserted are twelve pages containing a further thirty stories, on three bifoliums each headed 'Anecdotes &c...

Literature £150.00
[Victorian mountaineering in Switzerland; Oberammergau; Tonneson Sisters of Chicago]

[ Mountaineering ] Victorian album, containing 82 photographs, including several large-scale images of mountaineering in Switzerland, and of the 1900 Oberammergau Passion Play.

Album, in maroon cloth and fake leather half-binding, containing 24 leaves of thick paper (dimensions 36 x 26.5 cm). Small stamp on front paste-down: 'D.A.I. LONDON | No. 20[2]' (last digit added in manuscript). The binding is heavily-worn, with spine lacking, and the pages are somewhat...

Travel and Topography £180.00
Vincent Barres, Doctor of Medicine, 'de Nerac, departement de Lot et Garonne'

No. 34. Essai sur les Passions, considérées sous leur rapport médical. Tribut Académique, presenté et publiquement soutenu a la Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier, le 26 Mai 1820. [...] Pour obtenir le grade de Docteur en Médecine.

4to: 42 + [i] pp. Disbound. On foxed paper with occasional light staining. 'No. 16.' in manuscript at head of title-page, which also carries a signed inscription from Barres with some loss due to the trimming of the outer margin: 'Á Mr. Olma<...> | de la port de l'<...> | [signed]...

French, Science, Medicine and Technology £56.00
Joseph Cotten [Joseph Cheshire Cotten Jr.] (1905-1994), Hollywood and Broadway actor, associated with Orson Welles, in whose ‘Citizen Kane’ he starred

[Joseph Cotten, Hollywood and Broadway actor.] Signed Autograph Inscription ‘For John’.

On 16 x 14 cm leaf of green paper, with rounded outer edges, torn from autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: ‘For / John / With every good wish, / Joseph Cotten / 1949’. Above the inscription has been laid down a photograph of Cotten cut from a newspaper. See image

Music and Theatre £35.00 Cotton