W. H. Buckler's own copy of the offprint of his monograph 'Edward Buckler (1610-1706), poet and preacher', bound together with material relating to Buckler from 'Somerset Notes & Queries and an Autograph Letter Signed by Sir David Ross to Buckler.
All items good, on lightly-aged paper. Ross's letter: 12mo, 1 p. Thanking Buckler for the piece of 'Orielania', and giving some information regarding the poet's connection with the college. The other items bound in grey boards with 'Edward Buckler 1936' on the spine. W. H. Buckler's monogram, with its original grey printed wraps, i + 5 pp (paginated 349-353). The title and relevant pages of the article '120. EDWARD BUCKLER' in 'Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset, June 1937, i + 4 pp (paginated 121-124). Second copy of the text of the article loosely inserted, together with photograph of a page carrying a seventeenth-century poem on Buckler, entitled 'The Mind of the Frontispice'. The only copy of this offprint on COPAC at the British Library.