
[‘How brilliant of you’: ‘E. M. Delafield’, pseudonym of the novelist Edmée Elizabeth Monica Dashwood, author of ‘The Diary of a Provincial Lady’.] Autograph Card Signed (‘E. M. D.’) to Martin Bretherton, commending him for finding ‘Willow Brook’.

‘E. M. Delafield’, pseudonym of novelist Edmée Elizabeth Monica Dashwood [née de la Pasture (1890–1943), prolific novelist, best known for ‘The Diary of a Provincial Lady’ (1930)
Publication details: 
15 January 1943. Printed at head: ‘From Mrs. DASHWOOD, Croyle, Cullompton, Devon.’

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. On post card with red stamp printed on it, addressed to ‘Martin Bretherton Esq. / Wakefield / Mortimer / Berks.’ The message reads: ‘How brilliant [last word underlined] of you to have found Willow Brook! Please bring it to Whitchall at all costs, & let me see it. I never have. / E. M. D. / 15. 1. 43.’

Typed Letter Signed from J. B. Priestley to E. M. Forster, accusing him of being 'in the wrong' regarding a Society of Authors questionnaire on National Service. With Autograph Copy and Typed Copy by Forster of letters by him to the Society.

J. B. Priestley [E. M. Forster; Denys Kilham Roberts (1903-1976), of the Society of Authors]
Publication details: 
Priestley's letter to Forster: 3 The Grove, Highgate Village, London; 25 May 1939.

Forster's main objection is that the National Service questionnaire, sent out by the Society of Authors 'at the suggestion of the Ministry of Labour', asks members to 'give general particulars of their political opinions' (see Hansard, 25 May 1939). Four items. ONE. Priestley's letter, addressed to 'My dear Forster' by 'J. B. Priestley'. 1 p, 4to. Twenty lines. Fair, on aged paper.

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