Signed Letter ('C. Bradlaugh'), in a secretary's hand, by the freethinker and Liberal Member of Parliament Charles Bradlaugh, to Frank Harris, editor of the Fortnightly Review.
12mo, 1 p. Fifteen lines. Text clear and complete. Very good on lightly-aged paper. The valediction ('Yours sincerely | C. Bradlaugh') in Bradlaugh's hand, the rest in a secretary's. Addressed to 'F. Harris Esq'. Docketed by Harris: '18 or 20th of Feb. or March. Length unlimited: but more valuable short.' Bradlaugh is working on the article, but 'must not send it' before the report is presented to parliament, which Lord Derby assures him 'will be within fourteen days of the Reopening of the House'. He asks about length and deadline. He does not think 'anyone else is likely to master the huge mass of evidence', and suggests April publication, 'as a day or two's delay in the presentation to the Queen' might make it too late for the March issue.