[Printed Act of Parliament, 9 October 1722.] [Drophead title:] Anno Nono Georgii Regis. An Act to inflict Pains and Penalties on John Plunket.
ESTC N50263. [1] + 2pp., folio, paginated 503-504. On bifiolium. The recto of the first leaf carries, with the royal crest and printers' details, the title: 'Anno Regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Nono. At the Parliament Begun and Holden at Westminster, the Ninth Day of October, Anno Dom. 1722. In the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. being the First Session of this present Parliament.' The reverse of the first leaf is blank, with the act itself printed in black letter on both sides of the second leaf. 'Pains &c' has been written in a contemporary hand at the head of the title. Excessively scarce: of the fifteen copies listed on COPAC, twelve are 'electronic', the three 'hard copies' being at the National Library of Scotland, Aberdeen and Trinity College Dublin. For the background to this item, see Plunket's entry in the Oxford DNB.