[ Ministry of Munitions, First World War: Banbury factory. ] Two post cards, each with printed poem: 'An Appreciation' (of women workers), 'Composed by G. Gilbert, Munition Worker' and 'An Answer to "An Appreciation." By One on “The Other Shift.”'

'Mr. G. Gilbert, Munition Worker' and 'One on "The Other Shift"'[ Ministry of Munitions National Filling Factory No. 9, Banbury, Oxfordshire, in the First World War; The Banbury Advertiser ]
Publication details: 
Both dating from the First World War. The 'Answer' published from '"Advertiser" Office, Banbury.' [ Oxfordshire ]

Two First World War postcards, with the poems printed in black lengthwise on one side, and 'POST CARD' and the usual arrangement printed on the other side. Neither item with any manuscript text or other additions. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Valuable artefacts, filled with information about the workings of a munitions factory, and reflecting the tensions between the male and female workers. No other copies traced, either in the Imperial War Museum, on OCLC WorldCat, or on COPAC. ONE: Headed 'An Appreciation. | (Copyright.)' At foot: 'Composed by Mr. G.

[ Chief Signals Officer, 9 Corps, British Army, North African, Second World War. ] Duplicated typescript: 'C.S.O. 9 Corps | Signal Report on the Tunisian Campaign, 1943.' With coloured maps and diagrams.

[ Chief Signals Officer, 9 Corps, British Army, Tunisia Campaign, North Africa, Second World War ]
Publication details: 
[ Tunisian Campaign, 1943. ]

29pp., 8vo. On white and pink paper. Followed by three fold-out plates and two diagrams, all in colour ('Battle of Fondouk', 'Battles of Goubellat Plain & Tunis', 'Later Phase of Battle of Tunis', 'Wireless Communications | H.Q. 9 Corps - Apr/May 1943 | Standard Layout', 'Wireless Communications | Corps H.Q. | Suggested requirements'). Stapled, with grey front cover bearing title. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with the last few plates detached.

[Printed Act of Parliament, 9 October 1722.] [Drophead title:] Anno Nono Georgii Regis. An Act to inflict Pains and Penalties on John Plunket.

[British Act of Parliament passed in 1722 against the Jacobite spy John Plunket (1664-1738)]
Publication details: 
London, Printed by John Baskett, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, And by the Assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd. 1723.

ESTC N50263. [1] + 2pp., folio, paginated 503-504. On bifiolium. The recto of the first leaf carries, with the royal crest and printers' details, the title: 'Anno Regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Nono. At the Parliament Begun and Holden at Westminster, the Ninth Day of October, Anno Dom. 1722. In the Ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c.

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