[ University College, University of London. ] Printed ticket of admission to lectures for BA student Edward M. Lake, signed by his professors Sir William Ramsay, A. W. Porter, M. J. M. Hill, N. T. M. Wilsmore, F. T. Trouton and W. G. Hartog.
On both sides of a 11.5 x 15 cm piece of card. Printed in black ink, and completed in manuscript. An interesting piece of University of London ephemera. Aged and worn. The front is headed 'UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. | UNIVERSITY COLLEGE.' and records that Lake has paid his fee of thirty-six guineas. At bottom left: 'This Ticket must be presented for signature to the Professors of the Classes for which it is issued.' On the reverse is a grid, with the signatures of: 'M. J. M. Hill' [ Micaiah John Muller Hill (1856-1929) ] for 'Pure Mathematics'; 'Alfred W. Porter [ Alfred William Porter (1863-1939) ] for 'Mechanics'; 'Fred. T. Truton [ Frederic Thomas Truton (1863-1922) ] for 'Physics'; 'W. Ramsay' [ Sir William Ramsay (1852-1916) and 'N T M Wilsmore [ Norman Thomas Mortimer Wilsmore (1868-1940) ] for 'Chemistry'; and 'W G Hartog' [ Willie Gustave Hartog ] for 'French'.