[ Sir John Simon, Lord Chancellor. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed, two Typed Letters Signed (variously 'John Simon' and 'J. A. Simon'), and one Autograph Note Signed ('J. A. Simon') to Sir Robert Ernest Dummett, on legal and political matters.
The collection in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: ANS ('J. A. Simon'). 17 January 1908. 1p., 12mo. From 4 Brick Court, Temple. Giving notice that he is that day 'applying to the Lord Chancellor for silk'. Accompanied by an undated Autograph Memorandum by Frederick Allan Wilshire (1868-1944), Recorder of Bridgwater, stating that it is 'of particular interest. When a Barrister applies for silk he has to write a similar letter to this to all members of the circuit who are his senior. | Simon recommended me to the King for the Recordership of Bridgwater. | F. A. W.' TWO: ALS ('J. A. Simon'). 15 February 1908. From All Soul's, Oxford. 1p., 12mo. He was 'delighted to hear from Sam Evans that he had hooked you & was well content. | Also about the 80 Club'. THREE: ALS ('J. A. Simon'). 18 October 1910. On letterhead of the Solicitor General. Regarding his standing as Liberal candidate in the General Election, he needs 'canvassing help in Walthamstow: no end of it. [last four words underlined three times] Will you really? A lot of Western Circuiteers are lending a hand, & this time it is more men than speakers [...] Of course we should like a speech from you too - but really it is the other is the thing just now. I can motor you back, after meetings from the Central Office.' He ends by asking for 'some motors for Nov 1st. Do, do, do.' FOUR: ALS ('John Simon'). 1 November 1912. On letterhead of the Solicitor General. 2pp., 12mo. Accompanied by envelope addressed to Dummett, franked 'John Simon'. He cannot be present at a dinner in Dummett's honour that night, as he has 'committed myself long since to another function where, to the common regret of myself and the other revellers, I have to make a speech'. FIVE: TLS ('John Simon'). 20 February 1912. From 57 Kensington Court. 1p., 12mo. Offering to assist him in his application for a County Court Judgeship, but pointing out that all the other applicants have also written to him. 'I will speak to the A. G., but I strongly suspect that the Chancellor would not regard a candidate's chances as improved if he was gratuitously recommended. Of course if the Chancellor asks me, I shall gladly testify. You know how sincerely I wish you well.' SIX: TLS ('John Simon'). 23 February 1911. From 57 Kensington Court. 1p., 4to. Agreeing to have a talk, despite being 'most fearfully busy', at the House of Commons: 'Come to the S. G.'s room, which you have reason to know so well.'