[Religious Tract Society, London.] Seventeen uncommon printed tracts, variously in poetry and prose, including ‘Give it up? - No, never! or, The History of John Brook’ and ‘The Two Colliers; or, The Power of Religion in the Hour of Danger.’
Seventeen items, each 12mo, 8pp. All uncommon, and two (7 and 17 below) not listed on WorldCat or JISC LHD. All disbound and stabbed as issued. The collection in fair overall condition: some creasing and wear, and a few items discolored. Item 14 with grey staining to front cover. The first item with no illustration; the other sixteen each with a vignette on the front page. One item (4) with a second illustration in text. Item 2 with device of the RTS on the final page. All 17 titles sold by The Religious Tract Society, sixteen of them (all but Item 9 below) at the Depository, 56 Paternoster-row, London, and all but five (1, 3, 9, 14 and 16) also at 65 St. Paul’s Churchyard. Seven items with three London printers named: W. Clowes and Sons, Duke-street, Lambeth (Items 1, 3, 4, 6, 11, 16), at this address from the 1830s; A. Applegarth, Stamford Street (9), bankrupt at this address in 1826; and J. and C. Evans, 42 Long-lane (14), BBTI 1822-1828. The title-page of 9 states: ‘LONDON: Printed by A. Applegarth, Stamford Street, for the Religious Tract Society; sold by J. Davis, 56, Paternoster-Row; J. and C. Evans, Long-lane; and by all other booksellers.’ ONE: Drophead title: ‘The Backslider. Written by a Surgeon.’ No. 858 (‘Narrative Series’). One copy on JISC LHD (Glasgow). TWO: ‘Bible Happiness: or, The History of a Poor Afflicted Woman: showing whence she sought comfort, and where she found it.’ (Ends with poem.) No. 1570. Six copies on JISC LHD, but some with different printing details. THREE: ‘Contentment and Discontent’. No. 1611. Two copies on JISC LHD. FOUR: ‘The Cottage Youth; or, William Ball.’ (In verse; with second illustration, p.6.) No. 1615. One copy on JISC LHD (V&A). FIVE: ‘Fanny Brown.’ No. 1617. One copy on JISC LHD (Oxford). SIX: ‘Female Martyrs in England who were burned for the Truth during the Days of Queen Mary.’ No. 1600. Four copies on JISC LHD. SEVEN: ‘Give it up? - No, never! or, The History of John Brook, who would never give in.’ No. 1628. No copy on WorldCat or JISC LHD. EIGHT: ‘The History of Mary Wood, the Housemaid, or, The Danger of False Excuses.’ No. 1610. Four copies on JISC LHD. NINE: ‘John of the Score; shewing how he robbed a poor old man; and was taken and condemned to die, with many other interesting particulars.’ (In verse.) No. 573. TEN: ‘The Loss of the Kent Indiaman, by Fire, in the Bay of Biscay.’ No. 1587. ELEVEN: ‘The Market-Day; to which is added useful and profitable hints for buyers and sellers.’ (Ends with poem by ‘Newton’.) No. 1568. Six copies on JISC LHD. TWELVE: ‘Mary Jones; or, The Soldier’s Daughter. An interesting story.’ No. 1564. Six copies on JISC LHD. THIRTEEN: Drophead title: ‘Oh! If I were the Squire.’ (In verse.) No. 1627. Six copies on JISC LHD. FOURTEEN: ‘Paddy and Thomas: containing the interesting particulars of a conversation between two Irishmen, with an account of Thomas’s sudden death.’ No. 575. Three copies on JISC LHD. FIFTEEN: ‘The Shipwreck; showing what sometimes happens on our sea coasts; also giving a particular account of a poor sailor boy, who was refused any assistance by the wreckers, and who died in consequence of their inhuman conduct.’ (In verse; with ‘Introduction’.) No. 1576. Six copies on JISC LHD. SIXTEEN: Drophead title: ‘The Shropshire Girls’. No. 1608. Two copies on JISC LHD (V&A and Manchester). SEVENTEEN: ‘The Two Colliers; or, The Power of Religion in the Hour of Danger. A true narrative.’ (Ends with poem.) No. 1625. No copy on WorldCat or JISC LHD.