[Alexander Pope, Augustan poet.] Two large facsimile pages, each reproducing a proof of a page (69 and 70) from Pope’s ‘Epistles’, with facsimile of his autograph corrections.
Curious items. Yale has the originals of these pages, in an ‘Album, formerly owned by John Murray, containing items either by Pope or related to him, 1717-1855’, described as ‘original proof of two pages from Pope's Epistles, pages 69 and 70, with the author's corrections’. Each of the present items is printed on a 28.5 x 37.5 cm leaf of wove paper. A previous owner(lord Houghton in fact) thought highly-enough of them to include them in an album, as a profession white stub adheres neatly at the left of each. They are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, each with central horizontal fold with short closed tear to outer edge. Presumably the work of the publishers John Murray, but for what purpose is unclear. No other copies traced. See Image of half a page (page too large for scanner).