[Dorothea Beale, headmistress of Cheltenham Ladies' College.] Three items of printed ephemera: two statements (second with accounts) by J. R. Magrath on the ‘Dorothea Beale Memorial’; and magazine article by I. T. Meade on Cheltenham College.

Dorothea Beale (1831-1906), headmistress of Cheltenham Ladies' College and prominent suffragist; Rev. Dr John R. Magrath; I. T. Meade [Eric Gill and his brother MacDonald Gill; Sir Edward Poynter]
Publication details: 
ONE: ‘Dorothea Beale Memorial’ (12mo) dated ‘Cheltenham, / 5 April 1909.’ TWO: ‘Dorothea Beale Memorial Committee’ (4to) with accounts dated 30 July 1910. THREE: magazine article by I. T. Meade [from the Strand magazine, London, 1895].
SKU: 26148

The first two items are scarce pieces of unpublished ephemera, neither showing up on JISC. See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The three items in good condition, on discoloured and lightly-worn paper. The first two items are written by Rev. John R. Magrath, D.D., Provost of Queen’s College, Oxford, as Chairman of the Dorothea Beale Memorial Committee. ONE: ‘For Subscribers only. Dorothea Beale Memorial’. By ‘John R. Magrath, / Chairman. / Cheltenham, / 1 April, 1909.’ 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Folded once. In small print, beginning: ‘The committee appointed to carry out the Memorial to Miss Beale think it right to explain to the subscribers the reasons for the delay which has taken place in the execution of their duty. / They first applied themselves to what they conceived to be the primary object of the subscribers, and approached the Dean of Gloucester on the subject of a monument in the Lady Chapel of the Cathedral. He was, as he has been throughout, very sympathetic and conciliatory, but clearly indicated that he hoped the Memorial might take the form of some work decorative of the Chapel. / He agreed to the consultation of the President of the Royal Academy as to the form the Memorial should take, and withdrew the original suggestion that one of the windows should be filled with stained glass. As a personal friend of the President [Sir Edward Poynter], he was of great service in enlisting Sir Edward’s interest in the Memorial.’ TWO: ‘To Subscribers. / Dorothea Beale Memorial Committee’. Text: 4pp, 4to, on bifolium. Accounts: 1p, 4to, on separate leaf. Folded once. Text begins: ‘The committee now desire to complete their labours and resign their position, and submit to the subscribers the following report of their proceedings.’ Gives text of inscription on a stone tablet which has been ‘placed in the College, near the staircase in the marble corridor’. A description is given of the ‘[c]onsiderable difficulty [...] experienced with reference to the memorial at Gloucester. It was found impracticable to do more in the way of commemorating Miss Beale in the Lady Chapel than to place within one of the panels of the arcading of the wall a small bronze tablet containing a medallion portrait’. The simple inscription is given. Proposals are made for the application of the balance of over £1700, describing plans for a ‘benevolent fund’. The ‘expenditure’ column of the accounts begins with a reference to the monument at the college, on which Eric Gill worked with his brother MacDonald Gill: ‘By College Memorial - / Mr. Gill for work on Memorial £261 17s. 1d. / Mr. Lethaby for consultation £2 2s. 0d.’ Next: ‘[By] Gloucester Memorial - / Sir E. Poynter for consultation £52 10s. 0d. / Mr. Drury for bronze in Cathedral £50 0s. 0d. / Mr. Frith for small slab over grave £2 3s. 0d.’ THREE: Magazine article (extracted from the Strand, 1895), ‘Girls’ Schools of To-day. / 1. - Cheltenham College. / By I. T. Meade.’ On three leaves, paginated [283]-288. With five illustrations, including ‘Miss Beale, Principal of Cheltenham College. / From Photo by County of Gloucester Studio, Cheltenham.’