Manuscript report by Bathe & Kindon, floor cloth manufacturers, of the resolutions of a meeting of the London Floor Cloth Manufacturers, with manuscript draft of the unnamed recipients' long reply.

Bathe & Kindon [later Kindon, Powell & Co.], floor cloth and table cover manufacturers, Swan St, Kent Rd, Bermondsey [the London Floor Cloth Manufacturers; Victorian interior design; textiles]
Publication details: 
Swan Street, Kent Road [Bermondsey, London]. 29 January 1853.

The report is 3pp., 4to, on a bifolium. Signed on behalf of the firm: 'Hoping that this information of our proceedings will be satisfactory to you | We remain | Gentlemen | Your Obedt Servants | Bathe & Kindon'. The letter begins: 'Gentlemen - | A Meeting of the London Floor Cloth Manufacturers, was held yesterday - & the result was, a rise of 2d. pr Sq: Yard, on their respective prices - this was carried, after considerable discussion, whether the rise should be 2d or 3d - but the majority decided for the 2d - at present'.

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