
typed letter signed to Mr [?] Ridley,

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
14 July 1904, on letterhead of the Haymarket Theatre.

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 12mo. "I am very sorry that I have never written before to thank you for your very kind letter about the performance. I am so glad the poor people liked it. It is a great blessing to be able to do anything for them."

autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Ransford,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
28 December [no year], with letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. "I find that Mrs Wyndham & I am assured myself also, pledged ourselves not to see The Two Roses without Mrs Sabrialli & Mrs. Albery - the same kind of pledge I made to you I have therefore resolved to keep both promises if you have no objection - & shall throw the two boxes I have reserved for all of us into one, so as to make a family party. / We cannot however this evening go to supper with you.

Autograph note signed to [Thomas Bass],

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
30 March 1905, Theatre Royal, Manchester.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "Dear young friend, / Thank you for your kind & interesting letter. I will try to get a souvenir for you, but I fear there are none left. With every good wish".

Autograph note signed to Frank [?],

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
undated, with letterhead 22 Bedford Square.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "Dear Frank, / I am too busy to see you just now, but write me what the business is. - / Yours sincerely / J. Forbes-Robertson." Not in the best of condition: creased, torn and with evidence of previous mounting on blank reverse.

Autograph note signed to Mr [?] Stewart,

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
no date, with embossment 22 Bedford Square.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "My dear Mr Stewart / I am so sorry, but I am engaged next Sunday. I wish it were otherwise. With very kind regards / Believe me to be / Sincerely / J. Forbes-Robertson." Traces of glue and mount on blank reverse.

Autograph letter signed to a bishop,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
4 Nov. 1901, with embossment 18 Berkeley Square.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. "My Lord Bishop / I am sorry I cannot be of any service in the way you wish. My income is severely strained and, with regret, I have to refuse many similar applications." Traces of mounting on reverse.

Autograph note signed to Mr [?] Wells,

Wilson Barrett
Publication details: 
14 October 1899, no place.

English actor and dramatist (1846-1904). "Thank you for the kind offer. I shall bear it in mind. Many congratulations on the success." Strip of brown discolouration in the right-hand margin and evidence of previous paper-clip attachment.

Autograph note signed to Miss [?] Paget,

Frank Robert Benson
Publication details: 
no date, 58 Ashley Gardens, Westminster.

English actor-manager (1858-1939), knighted in 1916. One page, 8vo. "Dear Miss Paget. / Of course I remember you. I will be delighted to see your protege. / Yours sincerely / F R Benson". Creasing to one corner, and traces of previous mounting on reverse.

Autograph letter signed to unnamed male correspondent,

J.B. Buckstone
Publication details: 
Tuesday (no date), T. R. Haymarket.

English comic actor and dramatist (1802-79). 2 pp, 12mo. Concerning the staging of a new play. "Yates has the first & 2d acts complete - It must be in 4 parts / I am now on the 4th.: when can I have the sheets & illustrations of the entire romance?" Details of the first two acts follow. "When I get your work complete a very few days will complete me, - I leave town on the 20th of this month for a fortnight and am anxious to (indeed I must) finish before I start / Rodwell is composing "Jolly Rose" for Bedford to sing at Woods party." Somewhat grubby, with browning in the margins.

Autograph letter signed to [?] Pemberton,

Edward Compton
Publication details: 
20 March 1890, 96 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, on letterhead of the Compton Comedy Co. on Tour.

English actor-manager (1854-1918). One page, 8vo. "My dear Pemberton / We had a beastly passage over here, have both been seedy ever since, & only just able to crawl through our routine work I shall not attempt to sit down to the Play until Sunday, but on that day I will write you all about the new Scenario."

one autograph note signed to Mr <? Buster>,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
19 October [no year], on letterhead of Wyndham's Theatre, Charing Cross Road.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. One page, 8vo. "Dear Mr / Thanks for enclosure & letter. / Yrs sincly / Charles Wyndham". Grubby, ruckled, and with traces of previous mounting on blank reverse.

Autograph letter signed to Lady Ball,

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
16 January [no year], 60 South Audley St.

English actor-manager (1862-1951), apparently written to an "angel". "Thank you for your letter. / It is a humorous sketch for 3 or four people lasting 23 minutes with lots of 'Punch' & a wonderfully funny part wh. whould show me off. My offer runs to Easter and all that is if only I can find what they want in advance. Voila!" Negligible traces of previous mounting on blank reverse.

one autograph note signed to Sybil Rosenfeld,

Ashley Dukes
Publication details: 
24 February 1924, with letterhead 19 Camden Hill Gardens.

English dramatist, theatre manager, and dramatic critic (1885-1959). One page, 12mo, in stamped envelope addressed in autograph. "Dear Madam / Thanks for your note; I will present myself at King's College at 5.25 on Thursday."

Autograph letters signed (x 2) to the actress Hilda Trevelyan [1880-1859],

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
April 29 and 1 September [no years].

English actor-manager (1862-1951). The first, April 29, Rivoli, with letterhead of The Playhouse, Northumberland Avenue, one page, 8vo. "Dear Miss Trevelyan, / Very many congratulations. You are absolutely 'sweet' in the piece. It is so many years since we met. Your performance is beautiful. I wished to come round & see you but didnt like to intrude." The second, 1 September [no year], with letterhead 26 Cleveland Gardens, Lancaster Gate, 2 pp, 12mo. Affectionate letter to "Dear little Manageress" (Trevelyan was for a time co-manageress of the Vaudeville Theatre).

Autograph note signed to Mrs [Edith] Cabourn,

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
19 December [no year], with letterhead Redlap, Dartmouth.

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 12mo. "I am so sorry that owing to some money losses I cannot send more for poor Charlie Rocks widow."

Autograph notes signed (x 3).

Charles James Mathews
Publication details: 
one undated, the others 1874 and 1875.

Actor-manager (1803-78) at the Adelphi and Covent Garden Theatres.The first two, dinner invitations addressed to "My dear Pal", dated 22 January 1874 and 2 May 1875, both with letterhead 59 Belgrave Road, South Belgravia. The first, one page, cropped, 16mo., the second, one page, 12mo. The third, to "My dear Lane", one page, 12mo. " "One hour" is played for you all next week. What would you have more?" All three show traces of mounts. Three items,

Autograph note signed,

Charles Kean
Publication details: 
no date.

English actor-manager (1811-68), the son of Edmund Kean. A piece of paper, 2½ by 4½ inches, mounted on a torn piece of grey paper. The note, written in pencil, gives directions: "Charles Kean / Key-Dell / Horndean / Hants / 9 miles from the Fareham Station on the Gosport line". Docketed in pencil "Kean's hand".

Autograph note signed to the actress [Jean] Webster Brough,

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
28 October [no year], with letterhead 22 Bruton Street, Berkeley Square.

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 12mo, cropped to an uneven shape. "Dear Miss Webster Brough / How very very kind of you to write like that. I have so greatly appreciated your thoughtfulness. I loved your dear father - bless him / Yours sincerely / Cyril Maude". Negligible traces of previous mounting at head of page.

Autograph note signed to unnamed female correspondent,

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
7 April [no year], with letterhead The Corner, Little Common, Bexhill.

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 12mo. "I have I regret to say already promised to do more than I ought to during this season, I mean in addition to all my regular work & so I am very sorry I cannot do what you suggest, although I am honoured by the wish of your Committee." With traces of previous mounting to the reverse of the blank second leaf.

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