[John Antes, Egypt and Osman Bey.] Printed pamphlet: ‘Anecdotes in the Life of John Antes: Giving an Account of his Residence in Egypt, and his Sufferings from the Inhumanity of Osman Bey.’ With illustration.

[John Antes (1740-1811), American composer and instrument-maker, tortured by Osman Bey’s followers while a Moravian Missionary in Egypt]
Publication details: 
No date. 'No. 1553.' London: / The Religious Tract Society / Instituted 1799. / Sold at the Depository, 56, Paternoster Row, and 65, St. Paul’s Churchyard.

See the articles on Antes by Donald M. McCorkle in the Musical Quarterly, 1956, and Richard D. Claypool, in the Moravian Music Foundation Bulletin, 1978. Seven copies listed on JISC (only three in deposit libraries); now scarce. 8pp, 12mo. Disbound. In fair condition, worn and discoloured. Vignette on cover shows Osman Bey sitting cross-legged while two of his followers whip the unfortunate Antes, while a third looks on. Drophead title, p.2: ‘Anecdotes in the Life of John Antes, A Moravian Missionary.’

[Book, inscribed by the author.] Reminiscences of a Japanese Penologist. Akira Masaki, President, Japanese Correctional Association. [Including a description of the Hiroshima explosion, and 'A Brief Biographical Note on the Author by Taro Ogawa'.]

Akira Masaki, President, Japanese Correctional Association [Taro Ogawa, Deputy Director, United Nations Asia and Far East Institute; Hiroshima]
Publication details: 
Published by Japanese Criminal Policy Association. Printed by Printing Bureau, Ministry of Finance. 1964.

ii + 133pp., 8vo. Photographic portrait of the author as frontispiece. Fair, in lightly-worn blue leatherette binding, gilt. Inscription in English on front free endpaper: 'To National Committee for the Abolition of Capital Punishment, from Akir [sic] Masaki L.L.D. | 12. 22. 1969'. In a three-page 'Preface to the English Edition', dated July 1964, the author explains that the Japanese edition of the book was first published nineteen years before.

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