Thirty-one secondhand booksellers' catalogues (one a duplicate).

Bickers; Alfred Cooper; W. Downing; T. Gladwell; W. George; Kerr & Richardson; C. Lowe; Uriah Maggs; J. Mathews; J. Neale; Parry & Hales; W. Paterson; Reeves & Turner; J. Roche; H. Sotheran; H. Young
Publication details: 
1880-1882; London, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester.

all octavo, in worn nineteenth-century binding, with front hinge loose, lacking spine. New endpapers. All items good, on aged paper with occasional foxing. An invaluable collection, providing a snapshot of secondhand bookselling in provincial Victorian England within an extremely short timescale. Several of the booksellers are not represented in the British Library collection, and others are only represented by catalogues of a later date. Of note are the two catalogues published by Sotheran's Manchester arm, the existence of which is not mentioned in Andrew Block's 'Short History' (1933).

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