[Sir Samuel Smiles, Scottish biographer and reformer, author of ‘Self-Help’.] Autograph Letter Signed to P. V. de Montgomery, with reference to a visit to the Lake District, his biography of Stephenson, and the new edition of ‘Self-Help’.

Sir Samuel Smiles (1812-1904), Scottish biographer and reformer, author of ‘Self-Help’ (1859) [P. V. de Montgomery]
Publication details: 
31 August 1870; 48 Gracechurch Street E.C. [London]
SKU: 26256

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Smiles names the recipient as ‘P. V. de Montgomery Esq’ and signs the letter ‘S Smiles’. He thanks him for ‘the shawl, which has duly come to hand’, continuing, ‘We reached town last night, after a very pleasant ten days trip, not the least pleasant part of which was our very delightful visit to Rydal Mount’. He is sending a copy of ‘the last Edition of Stephenson [his biography of Robert Stephenson] for Mrs Montgomery. It is not a lady’s book, yet she may possibly be interested by it’. He ends with the news that he will be sending a copy of ‘Self-Help’, ‘when the new edition, now passing through the press, has been printed’.