Autograph Letter Signed to [?] Slade (perhaps Frederic William Slade (1801-63), son of Sir John Slade).
Neapolitan Minister in London (died 1839). 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition, although creased and grubby. Crabbed handwriting. Formal letter, written in the third person. States that he received from Slade, in 1826, 'Two hundred and odd Pounds sterling as part of Prize money for the capture of in 1806, allowed to the Crews of Two Sicilian gallys the Vespa, the , and a gun Boat No. 12. who acted in conjunction with the British forces'. Complains that 'Mr. Slade did not send to C. di Ludolf the list of the men who were entitled to that Prize money neither the share alloted to each of them'. Requests that the list be sent as soon as possible. Docketed on verso of second leaf of bifoliate 'found on my arrival in Town Thursday PM. the 8 | Answd 10. Decr', with red wax seal in two pieces. Stamp of the 'BIBLIOTHECA LINDESIANA' at foot of verso of first leaf of bifoliate, which is foliated 2533.