Signature, with small amount of text.

Elizabeth Rainforth.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Singer (DNB). Bold, underlined Signature, c.3.5 x 1.5". Other side the following few words, "towns, will tempt me [to] make a trial, so I do [not?] think I shall visit".

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Thomas Reade.

Henry Ellis.
Publication details: 
British Museum, 7 Nov. 1844.

(1777-1869), Principal Librarian of the British Museum. Three pages, 4to, fold marks, some marking but text clear and complete. He asks Reade to welcome a friend (Sir Reginald Warren) should he visit Tunis after visiting Egypt. He reports on a young man who will send a letter to Reade via Warren probably mentioning his progress in the Museum ("in the Arrangement of our Geography") and his important discovery of "a bird's eye view of your country [Tunisia]" which includes a view of the Palace in which Reade is living.

Autograph Letter Signed to Ifan Kyrle Fletcher.

Serge Leslie.
Publication details: 
Los Angeles, March 1858.

Ballet. Fletcher was a bookseller specialising in Performing Arts and founder of the Society for Theatre Research. One page, 4to, chipped, four small tears, fold mark, punch-holes, small hole in centre, but complete and legible. He thanks Fletcher for submitting a print to "us" (Leslie and Niles?) but they decline regretfully, requesting others from the Romantic Period as they occur. "The 'Pas de Quatre' is most beautiful and now graces our walls." He requests an English translation of "Stepanow alphabet les Mouvements du Corps Humain".

Autograph Letter, third person, to a Miss Maxwell

J.E. Bicheno,
Publication details: 
(2 May 1830)

Colonial secretary , Van Diemen's Land. 1.5pp., 8vo. He discusses the physical composition of a necklace. (Bicheno's works on Law and the Irish economy are listed on the reverse in a different hand.)

Autograph letter signed to John Burke, Irish genealogist.

Henry Gally Knight.
Publication details: 
Lower Grosvenor St., 13 July 1841.

Traveller, antiquary, writer on architecture (1786-1846). One page, 8vo with added page of verse, nick not affecting text, good. He responds to a request by sending an impression of a seal [not present] "which bears the armorial ensigns of the two families which I represent" - which he expands on.

Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed to [Walter Jerrold].

Thomas Sturge Moore.
Publication details: 
26 July and 20 Sept. 1906.

Poet, wood engraver, and illustrator ((1870-1944). (July) "I shall be very pleased to be represented in the anthology . . . [gives permission for two shorter pieces] / May your venture have so much success as to enable future compilers to repair in some measure the market value of verse. Thanking you for your courteous encouragement." (Sept.) "I am agreeable to your choice of peices for your Anthology namely "On Death" & "That Land". . . ." Two items,

Document signed by Townson.

Thomas Townson.
Publication details: 
Hatton Gardens, 1 June 1861.

Divine and theological writer (1715-1792). A printed form, one page, some damage incl.

Typed Note Signed to Miss Jerrold.

A.E.W. Mason.
Publication details: 
London, 3 Sept. 1935.

Novelist. One page, 8vo, good condition. "I am quite willing that you should use the extract from my book "The House of the Arrow", but you should, I think, get also the consent of Mesrs. Hodder & Stoughton before using it."

Typed Letter Signed to De V. Payen-Payne.

J.C. Squire.
Publication details: 
The London Mercury, 18 Dec. 1920.

Poet and man of letters (1884-1958). One page, 4to, fold marks, sl. wear, text readable. " . . . I think the occasion for using that poem by Collins would be the next occasion on which we mention - as we are bound to mention - the Artist's Rifles [last work in ms.]/ It will go in very nicely if you will let me hold it up for a bit. I don't blame Wise about the Swinburne poems; I don't think there is a man in the world who could tell one Swinburne poem from another, once you have ruled out the few best.

Autograph letter signed to Miss Russell.

John Marriott.:
Publication details: 
10 June (no year).

Divine and poet (1780-1825). Three pages, 4to, heavily water-stained but still all legible, tear and nick not affecting text. He tells her that he has at last got round to sending her a book (a postcript reveals that it was a "french Book" which his wife had promised ot loan a long time before). He had hoped she was going to visit. He discusses the parlous health of his son and his wife's "maternal anxiety". He had seen a mutual acquaintance, looking better, and hopes she received his letter of thanks for the drawings of the tesselated pavement she had given as a present to him,.

Autograph letters to two correspondents.

Lucius Manlius Sargent.
Publication details: 
Boston 1825 and (no place) 1840.

Antiquary, advocate of temperance(1786-1867). One autograph letter signed, one page, 4to, to James Savage, fellow-antiquary (see American DNB), founder of one of the first savings banks in America, some damage and heavy-handed repairs with sellotape, but text complete apart from a word. He is arranging a loan ($40000) and mentions his security, discussing the terms of the loan. He requirws the loan urgently. WITH: an autograph note signed, one page, 4to, from James Savage to Sargent, (Nov.

Typed Note Signed to Malcolm Mackenzie, The Empire Art Council.

Charles Forte.
Publication details: 
London, 12 January 1956.

Restaurateur/entrepreneur. One page, 4to, "Please forgive me for not having answered your letter earlier. It eally is most generous of you to promise to make our plans widely known, and I shall of course be very grateful for anything you will do in this respect."

Autograph Letter Signed and two autograph notes signed to J.G. Wilson, Chairman of J & E. Bumpus's.

Thomas Moult.
Publication details: 
London, 20 Aug. and 14 Nov. 1930, and 15 Nov. 1932.

Miscellaneous Writer (Poetry Society). Total 4pp., 8vo. He is enlisting Wilson's aid in selling his new book (favourably reviewed by Evelyn Waugh) and requesting a list of distinguished visitors to Bumpus's (bookshop) (Walter) Scott {Centenary] Exhibition to establish who was interested in Scott at that time. Frank Mumby describes Wilson as "one of the outstanding booksellers of the day" (1956 ed., p.235). Four items,

Typed Letter Signed (1943) and three Typed Notes Signed to J.G. Wilson, Chairman of Messrs J & E. Bumpus

Humphrey Milford.
Publication details: 
OUP, 4 & 11 Oct. 1929, 26 May 1932, and 16 March 1943.

Publisher, Oxford University Press. One page each, 8vo (2) and 4to (2), one grubby, fold marks, minor defects, but texts clear and complete. Two are goodhumoured, brief, and concerning social trivia. The one sent in 1932 goes: "This is to introduce Sir Wallis Budge. I have told him you are the best bookseller in London, and would be able to get him all he wanted." (one ms. correction and one ms. addition). The letter dated 1943 discusses the works of Mark Rutherford: "I remember in very old days you were a devoted admirer of my late brother-in-law, Mark Rutherofrd.

Autograph Letter Signed to Clement Shorter, ed. The Sphere, etc.

W.B. Maxwell.
Publication details: 
London, 22 August 1922.

Novelist. One page, 8vo, fold mark, good condition. "I cannot refrain from writing to thank you for two kindly notices of my work that you have given in recent numbers of "The Sphere"; & I trust you will not consider me troublesome for doing so, or for saying that it gave me much pleasure to see this recognition. . . ."

Address in her hand.

Mary Mitford.
Publication details: 
No date.

The address panel only, 4 x 2", of a letter with the address "Mrs Davidson/ Milner's[?] Lodgings/ Green Street/ Scarborough/ Yorkshire" in Mitford's hand. Partly laid down. Mary Mitford's name and address are written in another hand on the reverse.

Autograph Letters Signed (x 2) to Mrs [Henry?] Brewster.

Anna Bishop.
Publication details: 
Pavilion Hotel, no date, and Madras, [18] March 1868.

Ann[a] Bishop, singer (1814-1884)(DNB). (No date) Three pages, 8vo, fair but legible, edge rough where extracted from an album.. She is sorry not to have been able to see her. She is travelling to Australia on that day and willbe in England in four months. She apologises for the writing, giving the reason. (1868) Four pages, 8vo, good condition but edge rough where extrcated from an album. She would be pleased to meet Mrs Brewster in England and gives her brother's address ("Mr Riviere". She would be happy to give her singing lessons. Two items,

Autograph note signed on card to [the Rev. E.J.F. Davies, autograph-collector)

Maud Diver
Publication details: 
31 July [1931].

Novelist (1867-1945). Two sides of card, 3" x 3". She says he is welcome to her autograph "for what it is worth, to add to [his] distinguished collection. She adds a postscript saying that she has enclosed her signature on a separate piece of paper in case that is what he requires. She points out that she "is not Miss Diver & never was. My husband Colonel Diver, was in the Royal Warwickshire Regt. I am a mother - & a grandmother! My new book "Ships of Youth [A study of marriage in modern India]" was published a week ago". With: separate piece of paper with her signature and a date.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent, and a MS examination text

Samuel Lee
Publication details: 

Orientalist and Cambridge Professor (1783-1852). Two pages, 4to, responding to a request for advice for the son of the correspondent who is engaged in preparing a Hebrew Lexicon. Lee gives some solid advice but finally points out that he is engaged on a similar task. WITH: the manuscript text with corrections, two pages, 4to, in Lee's hand, of the examination for the Crosse scholarship (presumably a Cambridge prize) involving Greek, Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac. WITH: an 8vo print of Samuel Lee. Three items,

Autograph letter to an unnamed clergyman,

Moncure Daniel Conway
Publication details: 
25 August [no year], Ostend, Belgium.

American writer, preacher and abolitionist (1832-1907). One page, 12mo. "Rev. & Dear Sir, / I thank you heartily for your letter and invitation, which have reached me here. I had already received and accepted an invitation from Mr Thos. Martineau at Maple Bank. He mentions in his note having heard from you that I intended visiting Birmingham during the meeting, & will probably inform you that I have accepted his hospitality. / With gratitude for your kind attention, I am, / Yours with cordial respect, / M. D. Conway".

Strand Ward Lecturers Book 1730

Joseph Trapp
Publication details: 

Manuscript, 34pp., folio, bound in vellum, poor condition but complete. A Book of all ye names of the Severall Inhabitants & others residing in Strand Ward in the parish of St Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx for one year free Collection from Christmas 1729 by Quarterly payments or otherwise for the gratifying and paying the Reverend Mr.

Autograph note signed to J.H. Gifford (prob. editor of the St James' Chronicle).

Martin Archer Shee
Publication details: 

Irish Painter, poet, dramatist and novelist (1770-1850). He gives his correspondent the address of a "Mr Herbert" who was, according to the Post Office Directory of 1846, a professor and publisher of music.

Autograph Note Signed to the President of the Catch Club (not named)

John Lodge (later John Lodge Ellerton)
Publication details: 
Woodfold Park, 14 April 1838

Musical composer (1801-1873). One page, 4to. He says simply that "it will not be in his power to attend the meeting of the Catch Club on Tuesday the 19th [?].."

Autograph postcard signed, to Kathleen Shackleton, dau. of the explorer, and autograph letter signed to Douglas Sladen.

Ruby M. Ayres
Publication details: 
[1923] and 13 May 1931

Popular novelist. She announces to Kathleen Shackleton that they "go on to Cairo tomorrow. ALS, 2pp., 8vo to Sladen, regretting not being able to accept an invitation but inviting the Sladens to the "Authors Dinner" where she is to be a hostess. Two items,

Autograph letter from the Secretaries of the (self-styled) Gambia Committee to Gisborne Molineux

The Gambia
Publication details: 

2pp, 8vo, remains of tape indicating from album, headed "Gambia Committee, 3 King Street, Westminster, "We beg respectfully to inform you that a Deputation to protest against the proposal to cede the River Gambia to France, will wait upon Earl Carnarvon ........" Thjey request Molineux's presence. {In fact, GB retained possession.]

autograph letters signed (x 3) to Walter Jerrold, editor, etc.

W.J. Locke
Publication details: 

Novelist. Total 4pp., 8vo, in the most substantial of which he confesses to being "a most barren person . . . the very act of composition is one of exceeding pain & travail". He is considering a proposal to write something to help the Journalists Orphan Fund. One note concerns the Thackeray Charterhouse Dinner, the other conveys thanks for a fee and pleases that an Exhibition was successful. Three items,

Le Miracle de Saint Antoine

Maurice Maeterlinck
Publication details: 
Paris 1920

Belgian dramatist, poet, essayist (1862-1949). "Deux Mille", blue wraps, small tear both ends of spine, hinge strain, yellowing pages but mainly g.. INSCRIBED "A Sir John Martin Harvey [English actor/manager]. L'incomparable <........................> ref. obscure to me> qui sera bientot le miraculeur [sic] St Antoine./ En toute <..?> admiration/ Maeterlinck/ 24 juin 1921" (last figure obscure). DNB says: "At the Prince of Wales's Theatre his Pelléas in Maeterlinck's Pelléas and Mélisande moved the author to declare: ‘Il a volé mon âme, ce M. Harvey.’

Autograph letter signed to unknown (part of name torn off)

Thomas Welsh
Publication details: 

English actor, vocalist and composer (1781-1848). On epage, 4to, creased and chipped with loss only of part of correspondent's name (which ends "...uin"). A significant letter about the Argyll Rooms, the major musical venue of its time. Letter as follows: "If the Licence formerly held by Col. Greville can thus [?] the interest of his family be obtained for the purpose of acting French plays at the Argyle Rooms.

Autograph Letter initialled "R" to Daniel George, author and publisher's reader

Rupert Hart-Davis
Publication details: 

Publisher. 2pp., 8vo. He discusses his reading which includes Blunden's "Cricket Country", some done for professional reasons.

Autograph letter signed to Julian Marshall, art collector, author, musical amateur (see DNB)

William Henry Husk
Publication details: 
Exeter Hall, 12 July 1878

Historian of music and critic (1814-1887). Three pages, 8vo. He is finding prior engagements preventing his viisiting. He then discusses his researches into the life of Incledon (vocalist) including early memories (in discussion of first names), tombstone information, and the inaccuracy of a predecessor. The letter has been annotated by a few words (perhaps Marshall), in the most significant entry, giving Grove references.

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