Strand Ward Lecturers Book 1730

Joseph Trapp
Publication details: 

Manuscript, 34pp., folio, bound in vellum, poor condition but complete. A Book of all ye names of the Severall Inhabitants & others residing in Strand Ward in the parish of St Martin in the Fields in the County of Middx for one year free Collection from Christmas 1729 by Quarterly payments or otherwise for the gratifying and paying the Reverend Mr.

one autograph letter signed to an unnamed male correspondent,

Hugh Percy, 3rd Duke of Northumberland, on the subject of Cambridge University
Publication details: 
13 October 1840, Alnwick Castle.

2 pp, 8vo. "I am induced by the partiality of my friends, to offer myself as Candidate for the important Office of Chancellor, which has become vacant by the decease of the venerable Marquis Camden, & I am induced to do so with more confidence in consequence of my close official connection with The University. Should you deem me worthy of your choice for an Office so honorable and so dignified, I can with sincerity assure you that my best exertions shall be devoted to maintain the true Interests of the University.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Younghusband,

General Sir Robert Cunliffe Low
Publication details: 
3 October 1903, Po[?]na, with letterhead of the Lieutenant General Commanding Forces, Bombay.

British general (1838-1911). 2 pp, 12mo. "Can you tell me Miss Langham's address - / The <?> Hospital people say she has gone to K<?> / She has been appointed to the Ind. <?> Service".

Autograph note signed and one typed letter signed to Dennis Eadie,

George Pleydell Bancroft
Publication details: 
12 and 31 May 1926.

Clerk of Assize for the Midland Circuit (1868-1956), son of the actor Sir Squire Bancroft (1841-1926) and the actress Marie Effie Wilton (1839-1921). The letter, 12 May 1926, one page, 8vo, on mourning paper, with embossment White Lodge, Westgate-on-sea. "Pray excuse a typewritten letter. / To certain specified "comrades of the Stage, members of the Garrick Club, in grateful remembrance of their friendship", my father by his Will bequeathes a souvenir.

Document Signed to the Duke of Kingston

John Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury (1693-1761)
Publication details: 

Summons on the command of the King to a meeting of the Knights of the Garter the following day.

Autograph Letter Signed to J.V. Lee

Joseph Jekyll,
Publication details: 

Politician and wit. One page, 4to. He makes a proposal in what seems to be a legal case involving a "Mr J. Lockwood" and Jekyll's nephew, for whom he is taking the "Responsibility of all Risque".

Autograph Letter Signed to "Lanyon"

F. Beauchamp Seymour, admiral
Publication details: 
"Narcisssus", Port Royal, n.d.

2pp., 8vo, chipped, not affecting the text. He expresses a liking for a photograph and tells of a "job" involving the "Immortalite".

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