Printed circular, in facsimile of copperplate handwriting, with actual signature of 'Rd J. Collis', discussing the state of the hop market, with probable quantity, quality, and value of the growth of 1853', following the 'Hop season of 1852'.
[English hop market report, 1853; Victorian Kent and Sussex agriculture]
Publication details:
27 September 1853; 241 Borough, London.
SKU: 10382
4to, 1 p. Twenty-six lines. Text clear and complete. On grey paper. Small spike hole. Aged and lightly-creased. Describes the 'forbodings' which have been realised following 'the heavy rains and floods of the previous Autumn'. 'From 2000 to 3000 Pockets have already come to Market, and these are making, in samples of Sussex £8 to £9, the Cut, and in Kents £8. 8/. to £10. 10/. to £12;- mouldy and blighted, much lower. | Nothing choice in East or Mid Kents has, as yet, made its appearance, [...]'.