[William Maynard, 2nd Baron Maynard.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Maynard') to Sir Richard Bulstrode, expressing puzzlement that his grandson should have visited Brussels without calling upon him, and asking him to show the boy favour.
2pp., 12mo. 49 lines of text. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf (which also carries his seal): 'For Sr Richard Bulstrode | Envoy from his Matie of greate Brittaine Att ye Court | Att Bruxells | these'. Maynard writes: 'I am extremely ashamed yt you having ye character you have att Bruxells, & I ye hapinesse to be so well acquainted wth you; my grandsonne should goe to ye Court without a letter from me to acknowledge yr civility & kindnesse when you were here; & to desire yr favour & countenance of him when att ye Court; but my sonne & he told me yt it was their intention to passe this summer att ye Hague & those parts & not to goe to Bruxells till towards winter; & then so little in ye Academy there; his father has ye whole ordering & disposing of him; & this I assure you was ye resolution they owned to me att his going away'. He complains that he 'parted wth so geate a part of my estate to my sonne att his mariage, yt. wth what he had by his mother he is in possession of a better estate than I'. However he cannot 'blame ye young man who seems very good, & respectful to me, & I hope will make a pretty man; & therefore doe intreate if he does come to ye Academy att Bruxells yt you will please to favor him wth yr protection & friendship'. The boy and his governor 'have already made a greate omission if they were any time att Bruxells without paying their respects to you', but he is 'altogether in ye darke not knowing of their having been there till I receaved yr letter wch perfectly surprized me; they having as they pretended to me resolved to goe directly to Holland'. He concludes by thanking him for his offer of sending his news to him 'constantly': 'being always at Court I ever heare what news comes yt is not a secret; however I am infinitly obleeged to you for yr kind offer'.