[Robert Walton, London printer and printseller.] Two engravings: 'IULIUS CESAR. I' and 'AUGUSTUS II', with their reverses carrying manuscript accounts relating to farm rents [in Polmear, Cornwall, and owned by the Rashleigh family?].
BBTI has Walton trading between 1647 and 1688. Both prints roughly 17.5 x 12 cm. Both in fair condition, on aged paper. The first - 'IULIUS CESAR I' - has a rough edge on the right and a trimmed edge on the left. It shows Caesar in martial dress on horseback, beneath which: '
rinted and Sold by Rob: Walton at the Globe <...> the West end of St. Pauls Church turning to Ludgate | ow sold in Bow-Church-Yard.' At the foot of the engraving is a six line poem, beginning 'By ciuill wars unto the Empire came'. '151' in bottom right-hand corner. On the reverse are untidy manuscript accounts, clearly written at different periods, with the first entry reading: 'Pd: for my 740 cost in Polmear Addit to November 1775 in all [£25 14s 6d]' and with the last entry reading 'Entered to Gichard's Account in Rent Roll Paper'. The lower half of the accounts is headed '18 Novr. 1802' and includes the entry 'Recd. fm Miss Fortescue of Mrs. P. Lyme 20s:/'. The second engraving - 'AUGUSTUS II' - also shows its subject in martial attire on horseback, beneath which is printed 'Now sold in Bow-Church-Yard. | To all the World the Olive Branch of Peac Augustus gaind by wch. all Wars did cease'. At the foot of the page is a four-line poem, beginning: 'And janus Temple shut in all his daies'. On reverse are accounts with three entries, the last reading: '1784 | Sat to Richd Foster Rock Meadow (late Mr Jno Westlake's) for £100 . 0 . 0 | Anno 1784 Vide Latter End'.