[ Messrs. Harrisons & Sons of Pall Mall, Booksellers and Stationers to His Majesty The King. ] Printed catalogue: 'A List of Messrs. Harrision & Sons' Publications.'
Messrs. Harrison & Sons, 'Booksellers and Stationers to His Majesty The King', 45 Pall Mall, London SW
Publication details:
Messrs. Harrison & Sons, 45 Pall Mall, London. [ Circa 1903. ]
SKU: 16751
16pp., 4to. Stitched pamphlet. Aged and worn. The lay-out is staid and old-fashioned, reminsicent of the 1880s. Very much geared to the St James's Palace market, with such titles as 'Bicycle Gymkhana and Musical Rides' by Major Walter Wingfield, 'No Army, No Empire' by the Earl of Dunraven, and 'Roulette: The Winning Rules' by 'Sperienza'. Includes various of Sir Bernard Burke's publications, and Hertslet's Treaties, as well as 'Dress Worn by Gentlemen at His Majesty's Court. The latest date within the catalogue is 1903. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.