[ Emilio Marolda, ] Elegant engraved ticket of invitation, illustrated with six cherubs, inviting 'Mr. George Bodleys' [ Gothic Revival architect George Frederick Bodley ] to the 'Fête d'Ouverture' of his 'nouvel [sic] atelier' in London.
Printed in black on one side of 13.5 x 18.5 cm card. Plate dimensions 11.5 x 16 cm. Aged and spotted. An attractive and elegant production with both illustration and text engraved. The illustration, with engraved signature of 'E Marolda' shows six putti playing with a string of foliage, with one in the bottom left-hand corner swathed in ribbon and standing beside an architectural feature. The text reads: 'Les Muses réunies prient ['Mr. George Bodleys' inserted in mansucript] de vouloir bien honorer de ['sa' inserted] presence le nouvel atelier de Sigr. Emilio Marolda le Jeude [sic] 1er Juillet de 4 a 7 heures p.m | 74A. Margaret Street Cavendish Square | Fête d Ouverture'. Names commencing with Sraah Bernhardt are written at top of card for no apparent reason. In a bankruptcy announcement, London Gazettte, 27 September 1881, Marolda is stated as being at this address, and described as 'Artist and Decorator and Dealer in Works of Art'. In previous proceedings (LG, 4 April 1876), his address had been given as 23 Berners Street, and his occupation as 'Artist and Decorator'. He was responsible for the ceiling at Toole's Theatre (1876) and the Turkish baths at the Prince's Club (1889).