[Arthur Young, lexicographer and adjuster of averages, Dundee.] Autograph Letter Signed, as ‘one of the proprietors’ of the London Institution, regarding forthcoming lectures by ‘Mr. J. Z Bell’ (the artist and fellow-Dundonian John Zephaniah Bell).
Young was the author of a well-received nautical dictionary (1846; second ed. 1863). His authorship of the present letter is established from the ‘List of Presents / Received for the General Library’, in the Journal of the London Institution, November 1872: ‘MARITIME LAW. Reports of Maritime Law Cases, 1868. 8vo. From Arthur Young, Esq., Prop., Lond. Inst.’ (The work was compiled by Young himself.) Like the subject of this letter J. Z. Bell, Young hailed from Dundee, and since Bell's mother's maiden name was Anna Young, it may be that Young and Bell were kinsmen, perhaps cousins. 1p, 12mo. With thin mourning border. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, strengthened with piece of blank paper laid down on blank reverse. Addressed to ‘The Secretary of the London Insitution’ and beginning: ‘Sir, / I was informed lately by Mr J. Z Bell that he has offered to give a short course of lectures on a branch of the fine arts, of an educational character and illustrated with drawings.’ Young asks that, if Bell’s proposal should be accepted, ‘he may suggest, ‘as one of the proprietors of the Instution’, ‘for the conisderation of the Committee whether it may be suitable to have these lectures on Friday evenings, in order to give my family and those of other proprietors an opportunity of attending them. / Yours obediently / Arthur Young’.